
For 25 years, The Washington Diplomat has worked to give you local and international coverage that you can’t find anywhere else. We pride ourselves on producing high-quality, independent journalism that matters.

But now we need your help. Like many small businesses, we have been hit by the coronavirus pandemic. But we are fighters.

To help us get through these uncertain times, would you consider contributing to our cause? We have varying levels of membership with access to insider benefits, or we welcome one-time contributions as well. No amount is too small and nothing too big.

We welcome one-time contributions or become a member with access to insider benefits. Membership levels include:


Whether you help with $5, $50 or much more, every donation is appreciated. Show with your support that you appreciate trusted independent journalism.

Attaché: $150 per year

Includes an annual subscription, signature hat and two tickets to an Ambassador Insider Series event.

Counselor: $250

Includes a two-year subscription, signature polo shirt with The Diplomat logo and two tickets to an Ambassador Insider Series event.

Minister: $500

Includes a two-year subscription, signature polo shirt and four tickets to an Ambassador Insider Series event.

Ambassador: $1,000

Includes a two-year subscription, signature polo shirt, hat with logo and six tickets to all Ambassador Insider Series events.

Presidential: $2,500

Be a trusted advisor and help advise us on our coverage on foreign affairs and the local diplomatic community. Join us for a small private annual lunch with the publisher, managing editor and an ambassador to be held at an embassy or residence. Tickets for two to all Washington Diplomat-hosted Ambassador Insider Series and conferences. Two-year subscription, signature polo shirt, hat with logo.

There is no shortage of news — real or otherwise — out there, but the useful kind is not free. Please consider becoming a partner in our future success. Even if you are unable to contribute at this time, thank you for reading our publication and we hope you can spread the word about our mission.