His ExcellencyConstancio da C. PintoAmbassador from East Timor to the United States |
EMBASSY: | Embassy of Timor-Leste 3415 Massachusetts Ave., NW Washington, DC 20007 Phone: 202-965-1515 |
His ExcellencySofia Mesquita BorgesAmbassador from East Timor to the United States |
EMBASSY: | Mission of Timor-Leste to the UN 866, 2nd Ave, 9th Floor New York, NY10017 Phone: +1-212 759 3675 |
AmbassadorHans KlemmAmbassador from East Timor to the United States |
EMBASSY: | U.S. Embassy Avenida de Portugal, Praia dos Coqueiros, Dili, Timor-Leste Phone: (670) 332-4684 |