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American Foreign Policy Council

Established in 1982, AFPC is an organization focused on providing information to those who are involved in determining United States foreign policy. It also assists Russia, Ukraine and China in establishing successful democracies and market economies.

The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

Established in 1943, AEI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. It consists of fifty resident scholars who are dedicated to providing all sectors of government with research in areas ranging from social welfare to international affairs.

ANSER Institute For Homeland Security

Established in 2001, the ANSER Institute is a nonprofit public-service research organization. Its objective is to identify and prepare for the new challenges that have emerged in the twenty-first century facing U.S. national security.

Arab American Institute

Established in 1985, AAI is a nonprofit organization. Its staff provides information concerning the Arab American Community and promotes Arab American participation in government and politics.

Asia Society

An institution dedicated to fostering the understanding between the peoples of Asia, the Pacific and the Americas.

The Aspen Institute

Established in 1950, the Aspen Institute is an independent organization located in the United States, Europe and Asia. Its goal is to provide world leaders and policy makers with valuable information on improving the quality of leadership.

Atlas Economic Research Foundation

Established in 1981, Atlas is a non-profit, non-partisan research institute. Similar to a venture capital fund, Atlas provides monetary support for new think tanks located in all geographic locations around the world.

The Brookings Institution

Established in 1916, the Brookings Institute is a non-partisan institute founded by Robert S. Brooking. It consists of scholars from diverse backgrounds, who provide alternative solutions to pressing problems faced by the United States and abroad.

Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs

Established in 1914, CCEIA is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization devoted to informing the public about the importance ethics has on maintaining peaceful international relations.

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Established in 1910, CEEIP is an independent, private NGO. Its main objective is to promote international peace through cooperation by influencing policy on important current events. CEEIP publishes, Foreign Policy, an internationally read magazine about ecomomics and politics.

CATO Institute

Established in 1977, CATO is an independent organization based on “Jeffersonian philosophy” or “market liberalism.” Its aim is to provide people in the United States and foreign countries who are still denied political and economic freedom the opportunity to seek it.

The Carter Center

Established in 1982, the Carter Center is a NGO affiliated with Emory University. Chaired by former President Jimmy Carter, the organization promotes the protection of human rights and places special emphasis on Latin America and Africa.

Center for International Policy

Established in 1975, CIP is an advocate of collective security in the developing world and promotes the Contadora Peace Plan. Its central focus is to protect human rights in Haiti, Cuba, Latin America and the Carribbean. Center for Nonproliferation Studies http://cns.miis.edu/
Established in 1989, CNS was founded by Dr. William Potter. It is the “largest nongovernmental organization in the U.S.” with offices in Monterey, Washington D.C. and also Almaty, Kazakhastan that promote the nonproliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

Center for Policy Studies in Russia

Established in 1994, the PIR center is a non-profit, independent organization located in Moscow, Russia. Its objective is to provide the public with information regarding international security and Russian foreign and domestic policy.

Center for Strategic and International Studies

Established in 1962, CSIS is a private, nonpartisan, tax-exempt institution run by former deputy secretary of defense, John J. Hamre. Its 190 researchers provide world leaders with information on global matters pertaining to all major geographic regions.

The Chicago Council on Foreign Relations

Established in 1922, CCFR is a nonprofit, independent organization. From WWII to the events of 9/11, CCFR has provided insightful analysis and alternative solutions to foreign policy.As one of the largest organiations dedicated to international relations, its goal is to educate the public and increase their knowledge about global issues.

Council on Foreign Relations

Established in 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations publishes Foreign Affairs, a journal discussing new ideas regarding foreign policy. Diverse in its views, CFR’s goal is to educate the American public about global issues and increase their knowledge of foreign relations.

East-West Center

Established by the US Congress in 1960, the East-West Center is a non-profit, public organization dedicated to research and education. Its objective is to promote a better understanding of US-Asia-Pacific relations by bringing professionals and students, from both the United States and Asia Pacific regions, together.

German Marshall Fund of the United States

The German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) strengthens transatlantic cooperation on regional, national, and global challenges and opportunities in the spirit of the Marshall Plan. 

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace

Established in 1919, the Hoover Institute is university-affiliated and was founded by Herbert Hoover, America’s 31st president. Its researchers provide analysis on preserving peace internationally and domestically.

Institute for International Economics
Established in 1981, the Institute for International Economics is a private, nonprofit, non-partisan organization. As a research institution, it provides insightful analysis on issues pertaining to international economics and the problems of globalization. Its geographic focus includes Europe, Asia, Latin America and the United State

International Institute for Strategic Studies

Established in 1958, IISS is an internationally recognized private, non-profit, membership organization. It offers non-partisan information on issues concerning international relations and is an advocate of international cooperation. IISS members span over 100 countries and are elected yearly.

Institute for Policy and Legal Studies

Established in 1997 due to the collapse of the Albanian government. It is an independent, nonprofit organization affiliated with East-West Management Institute Inc. and is located in Tirana, Albania. It is dedicated to providing the Albanian public with information concerning their society and assisting government officials determine legislation.

James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy

Established in 1997 by Edward P Djerej an, the Baker Institute is affiliated with Rice University in Houston, Texas. Its research programs concentrate on issues such as “transnational Chinese culture” and the “role of religion and culture in both foreign and domestic policy.

Kettering Foundation

Established in 1927 by Charles F. Kettering, the foundation is an operating corporation devoted to making democracy work in the U.S. and abroad. Its researchers examine and identify the problems many political systems face and how they affect society’s view of political institutions.

Migration Policy Institute

Established in 2001, The Migration Policy Institute is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think tank in Washington, DC dedicated to analysis of the movement of people worldwide. MPI provides analysis, development, and evaluation of migration and refugee policies at the local, national, and international levels. It aims to meet the rising demand for pragmatic and thoughtful responses to the challenges and opportunities that large-scale migration, whether voluntary or forced, presents to communities and institutions in an increasingly integrated world.

National Endowment for Democracy

Established in 1983, NED is a nonprofit, private organization dedicated to promoting democracy around the world. It financially assists “prodemocratic groups in Africa, Asia, Central and Eastern Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and former Soviet Union.”

National Institute for Research Advancement

Established in 1974, NIRA is an independent policy research institution. Its “Comprehensive Research Program for the Twenty-first Century” examines the challenges Japan will face in the future and provides solutions for them.


Established in 1946 by the U.S. Air Force, Rand is a research and development, non profit institution. Its offices in the United States and Europe provide the U.S. military community with research and analysis on issues pertaining to national security.

The Royal Institute of International Affairs

Established in 1920, RIIA is an independent research and membership organization located in London, England. Also known as the Chatham house, the organization examines and disucusses major issues that need to be addressed in the international arena.

U.S. Institute for Peace

The United States Institute of Peace is an independent, nonpartisan, national institution established and funded by Congress. Its mission is to help prevent and resolve violent international conflicts; promote post-conflict stability and democratic transformations; and increase peacebuilding capacity, tools and intellectual capital worldwide. USIP does this by empowering others with knowledge, skills and resources, as well as by its direct involvement in peacebuilding efforts around the globe.

The World Future Society

Established in 1966, the World Future Society is a nonprofit educational and scientific organization. It is a “neutral clearinghouse for ideas about the future.” It consists of 30,000 members extending to more than 80 countries.

World Resources Institute

Established in 1982, WRI is an independent institute providing other organizations and individuals with information on preserving the Earth’s environment. Its main focus is to help developing countries, especially Venezuela, Latin America and Africa, overcome challenges faced by mondernization.