Entertainer Steve Harvey and Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba of the United Arab Emirates met up for an unusual diplomatic event Aug. 23 at George Washington University. Together, they received a video call from Emirati astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi and his American counterpart, Warren “Woody” Hoburg, both of whom completed a six-month mission Sept. 4 on the International Space Station (ISS).
EVENT CATEGORIES Art Galas Dance Music Discussions Theater Festivals ART March 1 to July 5 Degas at the OpéraAn exuberant
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EVENT CATEGORIES Art Theater Dance Discussions Music ART Through Jan. 3 Recollection: Reinterpreting Tradition and Heritage In this group
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EVENT CATEGORIES Art Discussions Music Theater ART Aug. 3 to Sept. 4 Expanding Spacetime: Works by Chae Eun
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