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UAE envoy Yousef Al Otaiba takes a call from space, thrilling thousands

Entertainer Steve Harvey and Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba of the United Arab Emirates met up for an unusual diplomatic event Aug. 23 at George Washington University. Together, they received a video call from Emirati astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi and his American counterpart, Warren “Woody” Hoburg, both of whom completed a six-month mission Sept. 4 on the International Space Station (ISS).

Events – March 2020

EVENT CATEGORIES Art Galas Dance Music Discussions Theater Festivals ART March 1 to July 5 Degas at the OpéraAn exuberant

Events – February 2020

EVENT CATEGORIES Art Music Dance Theater Discussions Festivals ART   Feb. 2 to May 3 True to Nature: Open-Air Painting

Events – January 2020

EVENT CATEGORIES Art Theater Dance Discussions Music ART   Through Jan. 3 Recollection: Reinterpreting Tradition and Heritage In this group

Events – November 2018

EVENT CATEGORIES Art Music Dance Theater Discussions Fesitvals     ART Through Nov. 2 Jose Gurvich Artworks The Uruguayan Embassy

Events – August 2018

EVENT CATEGORIES Art Discussions Music Theater     ART Aug. 3 to Sept. 4 Expanding Spacetime: Works by Chae Eun

Events – July 2018

EVENT CATEGORIES Art Discussions Music Theater     ART  July 1 to Nov. 25 Water, Wind, and Waves: Marine Paintings