Home Ambassador Profiles1 Yemen His Excellency Abdulwahab A. Al-Hajjri

His Excellency Abdulwahab A. Al-Hajjri


Mr. Al-Hajjri became the Republic of Yemen’s ambassador to the United States on September 9, 1997.

Prior to becoming ambassador, Mr. Al-Hajjri has served, since 1995, in the Washington mission as Minister Plenipotentiary. The ambassador has been a career diplomat for over twenty years, having joined Yemen’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979. In 1980 he was appointed to the Political Department in Sana’a as diplomatic attaché. In 1982 he went to Cairo as the cultural attaché. In 1987 he was sent to Washington for the first time, serving again as the cultural attaché there. In 1992 he returned to Cairo, this time as Counselor of the Embassy.

Ambassador Al- Hajjri earned his Master’s degree in International Law from the American University in Washington, D.C. He completed his undergraduate study in Law and Sharia’h from Sana’a University in Yemen. He is married with three children.

Contact Information

Embassy of Yemen
2319 Wyoming Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20008

Phone: 202-965-4760
Fax: 202-337-2017

Website: http://www.yemenembassy.org/