Home Ambassador Profiles Solomon Islands His Excellency Collin Beck

His Excellency Collin Beck


Collin Beck became Ambassador of the Solomon Islands to the United States on March 31, 2004. 

He was appointed Ambassador to the United Nations on November 26, 2003.

Beck previously served as assistant secretary of the Pacific and Asian Branch’s Political and Security Division at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (2002-03), and chief desk officer at the Ministry (1995-2002), as well as counselor at various locations, including the Solomon Islands Permanent Mission to the European Union, the High Commission to the United Kingdom, and the embassies to Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands (1993-95). In addition, Beck was posted to Australia for three months to establish a consulate general office in Brisbane (1990), and he also worked as senior desk officer (1990) and desk officer (1988) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Beck holds a master’s degree in international relations and Southeast Asian politics from the University of Queensland, a foreign services certificate from Oxford University, and a bachelor’s degree in administration and political science from the University of South Pacific.

He is married to Helen Beck.


Contact Information

Embassy of the Solomon Islands
800 Second Ave., #400L
New York, NY 10017

Phone: (212) 599-6192/93
Fax: (212) 661-8925

Website: http://www.commerce.gov.sb/