His ExcellencyArturo Fermandois VöhringerAmbassador of Chile to the United States |
EMBASSY: | Embassy of Chile 1732 Mass. Ave., NW Washington, DC 20036 Phone: (202) 785-1746 |
His ExcellencyOctavio Errázuriz GuilisastiAmbassador of Chile to the United Nations |
EMBASSY: | Permanent Mission of Chile to the United Nations 885 2nd Ave., 40th Floor New York, NY 10017 USA Phone: (917) 322-6800 |
His ExcellencyAlejandro D. WolffUnited States Ambassador to Chile |
EMBASSY: | Embassy of the United States in Chile Av. Andrés Bello 2800, Las Condes Santiago, Chile Phone: (56-2) 330-3000 |