Her ExcellencySheila SiwelaAmbassador of Zambia to the United States
EMBASSY: | Embassy of Zambia 2419 Mass. Ave., NW Washington, DC 20008 Phone: (202) 265-9717 |
His ExcellencyLazarous KapambweAmbassador of Zambia to the United Nations |
EMBASSY: | Permanent Mission of the Republic of Zambia to the United Nations 237 East 52nd St. New York, NY Phone: (212) 888-5770 |
His ExcellencyMark C. StorellaUnited States Ambassador to Zambia |
EMBASSY: | Embassy of the United States of America Corner of the United Nations and Independence Road P.O.Box 31617 Lusaka, ZAMBIA Phone: +(260)-211-250955, Fax: +(260)-211-252225 |