August 2012


Comings and Goings

Summer is a time of change, and turnover, in the diplomatic community. So before we welcome a new crop of envoys to town, we bid a fond farewell to the some of the ambassadors who will be leaving us:

Chan Heng Chee of Singapore (appointed to Washington in July 1996; also see cover profile in the July 2012 issue of The Washington Diplomat)

Fatou Danielle Diagne of Senegal (March 2010)

Carlos Gianelli Derois of Uruguay (July 2005)

Jorge Ramon Hernandez-Alcerro of Honduras (June 2010)

Renée Jones-Bos of the Netherlands (August 2008)

Mitar Kujundzic of Bosnia and Herzegovina (February 2009)

Audrey Patrice Marks of Jamaica (May 2010)

Andrejs Pildegovics of Latvia (July 2007)

Jean-Paul Senninger of Luxembourg (August 2008)

Sameh Shoukry of Egypt (September 2008)

Gabriel Silva of Colombia (in October 2010)

Representative Qubad Talabani of the Kurdistan Regional Government (October 2006)
