Event Venue Locations


9:30 Club 815 V St., NW (202) 393-0930 or (703) 405-6509

Addison/Ripley Fine Art Gallery 1670 Wisconsin Ave., NW (202) 338-5180 www.addisonripleyfineart.com

Alliance Française 2142 Wyoming Ave., NW (202) 234-7911 www.francedc.org

American Art Museum Renwick Gallery Pennsylvania Avenue at 17th Street, NW (202) 357-1729 www.americanart.si.edu

American Association for the Advancement of Science 1200 New York Ave., NW (202) 326-6400 www.aaas.org

American History Building 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW (202) 357-3030 (Resident Associates) www.residentassociates.org

The American Institute of Architects 1735 New York Ave., NW (202) 626-7387 www.aia.org

Anderson House 2118 Massachusetts Ave., NW (202) 785-2040

Anne C. Fisher Gallery 2352 Wisconsin Ave., NW (202) 625-7550 www.centerforbeingandbecoming.com/gallery.htm

Arena Stage 1101 6th St., SW (202) 488-3300 www.arenastage.org

The Arts Club of Washington 2017 I St., NW (202) 331-7282 www.artsclubofwashington.org

Arts and Industries Building 900 Jefferson Drive, SW (202) 357-3030 www.youngbenefactors.org

Arthur M. Sackler Gallery 1050 Independence Ave., SW (202) 357-2700 www.asia.si.edu

The Baltimore Museum of Art 10 Art Museum Drive Baltimore, Md. (410) 396-7100 www.artbma.org

Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception 400 Michigan Ave., NE (202) 526-8300 www.nationalshrine.com

Bead Museum 400 7th St., NW (202) 624-4500 www.beadmuseumdc.org

The Birchmere 3701 Mt. Vernon Ave. Alexandria, Va. (202) 432-SEAT or (800) 551-SEAT www.birchmere.com

The Black Cat 1811 14th St., NW (202) 667-7960 www.blackcatdc.com

Calvary Bilingual Multicultural Learning Center 1420 Columbia Road, NW (202) 332-4200 www.cbmlc.org

Candida’s World of Books 1541 14th St., NW (202) 667-4811

Capital Children’s Museum 800 3rd St., NW (202) 675-4120 www.ccm.org

Carter Barron Amphitheatre 16th Street and Colorado Avenue, NW (202) 334-4790 www.shakespearetheatre.org

Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library 5625 Connecticut Ave., NW (202) 282-3118

Church of the Annunciation 3125 39th St., NW (202) 362-3323

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints 9900 Stoneybrook Drive Kensington, Md. (301) 588-0650

The Church Street Theatre 1742 Church St., NW (703) 243-2744 (Le Neon Theatre) www.leneon.org

Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center University of Maryland College Park, Md. (301) 405-ARTS www.claricesmithcenter.umd.edu

Classika Theatre 4041 South 28th St. Arlington, Va. (703) 824-6200 www.classika.org

Coral Cantigas Bethesda United Methodist Church 8300 Old Georgetown Road, Bethesda, Md. (301) 424-8296 www.cantigas.org

Corcoran College of Art + Design New York Avenue and 17th Street, NW (202) 639-1800 www.corcoran.edu

Corcoran Gallery of Art 500 17tth St., NW (202) 639-1700 www.corcoran.org

Circle Point Artspace 1350 I St., NW (202) 326-0447

Cuban Interests Section 2630 16th St., NW (202) 625-2361 (Embassy Series) www.embassyseries.org

Dance Place 3225 8th St., NE (202) 269-1600 www.danceplace.org

DAR Constitution Hall 1776 D St., NW (202) 295-2400 (Washington Opera) www.dc-opera.org

DCJCC 1529 16th St., NW (202) 777-3254 www.dcjcc.org

Dennis and Phillip Ratner Museum 10001 Old Georgetown Road Bethesda, Md. (301) 897-1518

Discovery Theatre 900 Jefferson Drive, SW (202) 357-3030 (Smithsonian Associates) www.residentassociates.org

District of Columbia Arts Center 2438 18th St., NW (301) 891-1129 (Washington Storytellers) www.washingtonstorytellers.org

Dumbarton Concert Gallery 3133 Dumbarton St., NW (202) 965-2000 www.dumbartonconerts.org

Embassy of Armenia 2225 R St., NW (202) 319-1976 www.armeniaemb.org

Embassy of Australia 1601 Massachusetts Ave., NW (202) 797-3383 www.austemb.org

Embassy of Austria 3524 International Court, NW (202) 895-6776 www.austria.org/calendar/index.html

Embassy of Canada 501 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (202) 682-1740 www.canadianembassy.org/arts

Embassy of the Czech Republic 3900 Spring of Freedom St., NW (202) 274-9100 ext. 3413 www.mzv.cz/washington

Embassy of Estonia 2131 Massachusetts Ave., NW (202) 588-0101 www.estemb.org

Embassy of Et hiopia 3506 International Dr., NW www.ethiopianembassy.org

Embassy of Finland 3301 Massachusetts Ave., NW (202) 298-5800 www.finland.org

Embassy of Germany 4645 Reservoir Road, NW (301) 907-2600 (Wagner Society) www.wagner-dc.org (202) 625-2361 (Embassy Series) www.embassyseries.org (703) 960-9876 (Beethoven Society of America)

Embassy of Hungary 2950 Spring of Freedom St., NW (202) 625-2361 (Embassy Series) www.embassyseries.org

Embassy of Israel 3514 International Court, NW (202) 364-5500 www.israelemb.org

Embassy of Korea 2370 Massachusetts Ave., NW (202) 797-6346 www.koreaemb.org

Embassy of Lithuania 2622 16th St., NW (202) 625-2361 (Embassy Series) www.embassyseries.org

Embassy of Malaysia 3516 International Court, NW (202) 625-2361 (Embassy Series) www.embassyseries.org

Embassy of the People’s Republic of China 2300 Connecticut Ave., NW (202) 328-2500 www.china-embassy.org

Embassy of Poland 2640 16th St., NW (202) 625-2361 (Embassy Series) www.embassyseries.com

Embassy of Romania 1607 23rd St., NW (202) 625-2361 (Embassy Series) www.embassyseries.com

Embassy of Singapore 3501 International Place, NW (202) 625-2361 (Embassy Series) www.embassyseries.org

Embassy of Slovakia 3523 International Court, NW (202) 237-1054 ext. 212, 213 www.slovakembassy-us.org (202) 625-2361 (Embassy Series) www.embassyseries.com

Embassy of Sweden 1501 M St., NW (202) 467-2600 www.swedish-embassy.org

Embassy of Uruguay 1913 I St., NW (202) 331-1313 www.uruwashi.org

Embassy of Venezuela 1099 30th St., NW (202) 342-2214

Espacio Cultural Salvadoreno 1724 20th St., NW (202) 331-4033 ext. 120

F. Scott Fitzgerald Theatre 603 Edmonston Drive Rockville, Md. (240) 314-8690 www.nationnalphilharmonic.org

Flashpoint Gallery 916 G St., NW (202) 315-1305 www.flashpointdc.org

Folger Shakespeare Library/Folger Theatre 201 East Capitol St., SE (202) 544-7077 www.folger.edu

Fords Theatre 511 10th St., NW (202) 347-4833 www.fordstheatre.org

The Foundry Gallery 9 Hillyer Court, NW (202) 387-0203 www.foundry-gallery.org

Foxhall Gallery at Foxhall Square 3301 New Mexico Ave., NW

Freedom Plaza Pennsylvania Avenue between 13th and 14th Streets, NW (202) 298-4790 (Thai Festival) www.thaiembdc.org

Freer Gallery of Art Jefferson Drive at 12th Street, SW (202) 357-2700 www.asia.si.edu

Gala Hispanic Theatre Warehouse Theater 1021 7th St., NW (202) 234-7174 www.galatheatre.org

Gallaudet University Theatre 800 Florida Ave., NE (703) 922-7503

George Washington Masonic National Memorial Theater 101 Callahan Drive Alexandria, Va. (703) 757-0199 (The Spanish Dance Theatre)

Georgetown University Lauinger Library – Fairchild Gallery 3700 O St., NW (202) 687-1469 www.library.georgetown.edu

Gilbert Grosvenor Auditorium 1600 M St., NW (202) 857-7700 www.nationalgeographic.com/lectures

Goethe-Institut 812 7th St., NW (202) 289-1200 www.goethe.de/washington

Guarisco Gallery Four Seasons Hotel 2828 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (202) 333-8533

Gunston Arts Center 2700 South Lang St. Arlington, Va. (202) 882-6227 or (703) 548-3092 (Teatro de la Luna) www.teatrodelaluna.org (703) 243-2744 (Le Neon Theatre) www.leneon.org

Harmony Hall Regional Center 10701 Livingston Road Fort Washington, Md. (301) 203-6070

Heurich House Museum 1307 New Hampshire Ave., NW (202) 785-2068 ext. 100 www.hswdc.org

Hillwood Museum and Gardens 4155 Linnean Ave., NW (202) 686-8500 www.hillwoodmuseum.org

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden Independence Avenue at 7th Street, SW (202) 357-2700 http://hirshhorn.si.edu

Ingrid Hansen Gallery 1203 19th St., NW, Level 3 (202) 266-5022

Institute of Mexico 2829 16th St., NW (202) 232-8674 www.oas.org

Inter-American Development Bank Cultural Center Art Gallery 1300 New York Ave., NW (202) 623-3774 www.iadb.org/exr/cultural/center1.htm

International Spy Museum 800 F St., NW Washington, D.C. 20004 (202) 393-7798 www.spymuseum.org

International Monetary Fund Center 720 19th St., NW (202) 623-6562 www.imf.org

International Monetary Fund Atrium Gallery 700 19th St., NW (202) 623-6869 www.imf.org

International Visions Art Gallery 2629 Connecticut Ave., NW (202) 234-5112 www.inter-visions.com

Italian Cultural Institute 2025 M St., NW Suite 610 (202) 223-1128 www.italcultusa.org

Japan Information and Culture Center Lafayette Centre III 1155 21st St., NW (202) 238-6900 www.embjapan.org/jicc.html

Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington 6125 Montrose Road Rockville, Md. (301) 230-3752 www.jccgw.org

The Kennedy Center 2700 F St., NW (202) 467-4600 http://kennedy-center.org

Kensington Armory 3710 Mitchell St. Kensington, Md. (301) 891-1129 (Washington Storytellers) www.washingtonstorytellers.org

Korean Cultural Service 2370 Massachusetts Ave., NW (202) 797-6343 www.koreaemb.org

The Kreeger Museum 2401 Foxhall Road, NW (202) 337-3050 www.kreegermusuem.org

Latin Jazz Alley 1721 Columbia Road, NW (202) 328-6190

Levine School of Music 2801 Upton St., NW (301) 907-2600 (Wagner Society) www.wagner-dc.org

Lisner Auditorium The George Washington University 730 21st St., NW (202) 994-6800 www.lisner.org

Luther W. Brady Art Gallery The George Washington University 805 21st St., NW (202) 994-1525

Lyceum 200 South Washington St. Alexandria, Va. (301) 840-4336 http://oha.ci.alexandria.va.us/lyceum/

La Maison Française 4101 Reservoir Road, NW (202) 944-6091 www.la-maison-francaise.org

Marninart Gallery 406 7th St., NW (202) 347-3327 www.marninart.net

McLean Community Center 1234 Ingleside Ave. McLean, Va. (703) 356-6293 (American Association of University Women McLean Branch)

Meridian International Center 1630 Crescent Place, NW (202) 667-6800 www.meridian.org

Metro Stage 1201 North Royal St. Alexandria, Va. (703) 548-9044 www.metrostage.org

Mexican Cultural Institute 2829 16th St., NW (202) 728-1628 www.embassyofmexico.org

National Air and Space Museum 7th Street and Independence Avenue, SW (202) 357-2700 www.nasm.si.edu www.spaceday.org

National Gallery of Art 3rd and 9th Streets at Constitution Avenue, NW (202) 737-4215 www.nga.gov

National Geographic Explorers Hall 1145 17th St., NW (202) 857-7588 www.nationalgeographic.com/explorer

National Museum of African Art 950 Independence Ave., SW (202) 357-4600 www.nmafa.si.edu

National Museum of American History 14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW (202) 357-2700 www.americanhistory.si.edu

National Museum of Natural History 10th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW (202) 357-3030 (Resident Associates) www.residentassociates.org

National Museum of Women in the Arts 1250 New York Ave., NW (202) 783-5000 www.nmwa.org

National Presbyterian Church 4101 Nebraska Ave., NW (301) 762-8580 (National Philharmonic) www.nationalphilharmonic.com

The National Theatre 1321 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (202) 628-6161 www.nationaltheatre.org

New York Avenue Presbyterian Church 1313 New York Ave., NW (301) 762-8580 (National Philharmonic) www.nationalphilharmonic.org

Northern Virginia Community College Ernst Community Cultural Center Annandale, Va. (202) 298-1100 ext. 7 (Art Deco Society of Washington) www.adsw.org

The Octagon Museum 1799 New York Ave., NW (202) 638-3221 www.archfoundation.org/octagon

Olney Theatre Center 2001 Olney-Sandy Spring Road Olney, Md. (301) 924-3400 www.olneytheatre.org

Organization of American States Art Museum of the Americas 201 18th St., NW (202) 458-6016 www.museum.oas.org

The Phillips Collection 1600 21st St., NW (202) 387-2151 www.phillipscollection.org

Pope John Paul II Cultural Center 3900 Harewood Road, NE (202) 635-5400 www.jp2cc.org

Port City Playhouse Nannie J. Lee Center 1108 Jefferson St. Alexandria, Va. (703) 838-2880 www.portcityplayhouse.com

Potomac Craftsmen Fiber Gallery Studio 18 in the Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 North Union St. Alexandria, Va. (703) 548-0935 www.potomaccraftsmenfibergallery.com

Publick Playhouse for the Performing Arts 5445 Landover Rd. Cheverly, MD (301) 277-1710

Rachel M. Schlesinger Concert Hall and Arts Center Northern Virginia Community College Alexandria, Va. (703) 845-6156

The Ralls Collection 1516 31st St., NW (202) 342-1754 www.rallscollection.com

Renwick Gallery Pennsylvania Avenue at 17th Street, NW (202) 357-1729 www.AmericanArt.si.edu

Robert E. Parilla Performing Arts Center Montgomery College, Rockville Campus 51 Mannakee St. Rockville, Md. (301) 279-5301

Rosslyn Spectrum 1611 Kent St. Arlington, Va. (703) 528-1433 (Opera Theatre of Northern Virginia) www.novaopera.org

Round House Theatre East-West Highway and Waverly Street Bethesda, Md. (240) 644-1100 www.round-house.org

Russian Cultural Center 1825 Phelps Place, NW (202) 642-8475 (Euronet International) www.euronetinternational.com

S. Dillon Ripley Center 1100 Jefferson Drive, SW (202) 357-3030 (Resident Associates) www.residentassociates.org

St. Columbia’s Episcopal Church 4201 Albemarle St., NW (202) 882-3537

St. John’s Episcopal Preschool and Church 3240 O St., NW (202) 338-2574

St. Luke’s Gallery 1715 Q St., NW (202) 328-2424

St. Theodore Greek Orthodox Church 7101 Cipriano Road Lanham, Md. (301) 552-3540 www.sttheodores.org

Scena Theatre 1614 19th St., NW (703) 684-7990

Sewall-Belmont House 144 Constitution Ave., NE (202) 884-8399 (Women’s Edge Coalition) www.womensedge.org

The Shakespeare Theatre 450 7th St., NW (202) 547-1122 www.shakespearetheatre.org

Sofitel Lafayette Square Hotel 806 15th St., NW (866) 462-7869 www.goartonline.com

The Source Theatre Company 1835 14th St., NW (202) 518-0152 (In Series) www.InSeries.org

Stanislavsky Theater Studio 1742 Church St., NW (202) 265-3767 www.sts-online.org

The Studio Theatre 14th and P Streets, NW (202) 332-3300 www.studiotheatre.org

Synetic Theater 1436 Swan St., NW (202) 462-5364 www.synetic.org

Teatro de la Luna Gunston Arts Center 2700 South Lang St. Arlington, Va. (202) 882-6227 or (703) 548-3092 www.teatrodelaluna.org

The Textile Museum 2320 S St., NW (202) 667-0441 www.textilemusuem.org

Theater on the Run 3700 South Four Mile Run Drive Arlington, Va. (202) 882-6227 www.teatrodelaluna.org

Torpedo Factory Art Center 105 North Union St. Alexandria, Va. (703) 838-4565 www.torpedofactory.org

To uchstone Gallery 406 7th St., NW (202) 347-2787 www.touchstonegallery.com

Trumpet Vine Theatre Company Theater on the Run 3700 South Four Mile Run Drive Arlington, Va. (703) 912-1649 www.trumpetvinetheatrecompany.org

Union Station 40 Massachusetts Ave., NE (202) 289-6263 www.unionstationdc.com

Virginia Historical Society 428 North Blvd. Richmond, Va. (804) 358-4901 www.vahistorical.org

Visions Bar Noir 1927 Florida Ave., NW (202) 667-0090 www.visionsdc.com

Vocal Arts Society The Kennedy Center Terrace Theater 2700 F St., NW (202) 265-8177 www.vocalartssociety.org

Voice of America Auditorium 3300 Independence Ave., SW (202) 357-3030 (Resident Associates) www.residentassociates.org

The Warner Theatre 13th and E Streets, NW (202) 291-7200 www.warnertheater.com

The Washington Ballet The Warner Theatre 13th and E Streets, NW (202) 291-7200 www.washingtonballet.org

Washington National Cathedral Massachusetts and Wisconsin Avenues, NW (800) 937-8728 www.nationalcathedral.org

Washington Storytellers Theatre 6930 Carroll Ave., Suite 610 Takoma Park, MD (301) 891-1129

The Watergate Gallery 2552 Virginia Ave., NW (202) 338-4488

Women’s National Democratic Club 1526 New Hampshire Ave., NW (202) 357-3030 (Resident Associates) www.residentassociates.org

Woodrow Wilson House 2340 S St., NW (202) 387-4062 www.nationaltrust.org

Woodrow Wilson Plaza Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center 1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW (202) 312-1300 www.itcdc.com

Zenith Gallery 413 7th St., NW (202) 783-2963 www.zenithgallery.com

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