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February 2017 Homepage
Cover Story

After Declaring Independence,
Kosovo Struggles for Recognition

a5.kosovo.prizren.religion.homeTiny Kosovo has played a big part in Europe’s history, as the scars of the Balkan wars still haunt this enclave of 1.8 million that declared its independence nine years ago. Those wounds also lurk beneath the surface of Pristina’s glamorous young envoy, Vlora Çitaku, who grew up as a refugee with a front-row seat to the civil war that shaped her destiny. Read More


What the World Wants
From Donald Trump 2017

trump.main.portrait.homeThe world wants many things from Donald Trump, America’s newly minted president. It just has no idea what to expect from him. That uncertainty hasn’t stopped everyone — from foreign heads of state to media outlets (ours included) — from parsing the billionaire real estate mogul’s dizzying array of proclamations, promises and tweets to try to get a read on the 45th president. Read More

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From CEO to Secretary

Specter of ExxonMobil Hangs Over
Trump’s Pick for Secretary of State

a1.rex.tillerson.portrait.homeIn a crowded field of controversial Cabinet picks, Donald Trump’s choice for secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, stands out for the web of conflicts generated by his leadership of ExxonMobil, the world’s largest public energy company, which spent decades cultivating ties with autocratic regimes and denying the devastating effects of climate change. Read More

Islam and Terrorism

Trump’s Tough Talk on Muslims
Contrasts with Obama’s Cautious Tone

a2.islam.obamas.islam.homePresident Donald Trump’s rhetoric, and actions, on Muslims could not be any more different than that of his predecessor’s — a reflection of the larger dilemma U.S. officials face as they try to address the scourge of Islamic extremism without alienating the religion’s 1.6 billion followers. Read More

The Lone-Wolf Threat

As Islamic State Loses Territory, Focus
Shifts to High-Profile Terrorist Attacks

a3.lone.wolf.berlin.attacks.homeIt’s been three years since the Islamic State seized control of vast swathes of Iraq and Syria, which helped the then-emerging terrorist group convince scores of disenfranchised young Muslim men to join in building a “historic” caliphate. Since then, a U.S.-led coalition has hammered the Islamic State with an intense bombardment campaign. Red More

New Boss at Turtle Bay

As United States Welcomes New
Leader, So Does United Nations

a4.guterres.portrait.homeLike the United States, the United Nations started the new year off with a new leader. António Guterres, a former Portuguese prime minister and top refugee official, inherits a world of problems — from economic inequality to mass migration to climate change — on top of a potentially adversarial relationship with a Republican administration. Read More

Book Review

Book Illustrates Importance of
Diplomats and American Disconnect

a6.cables.book.thompson.homeIf President Donald Trump (or his future secretary of state) is interested in learning about diplomacy, he should read “To the Secretary: Leaked Embassy Cables and America’s Foreign Policy Disconnect” by Mary Thompson-Jones. Read More

Welcoming Women

WCI Brings Together Women’s
Clubs from Around the World

a7.womens.welcome.clubs.homeThe best way to foster world peace is through understanding, cross-cultural interaction and education, says the president of Welcome Clubs International (WCI), an association that aims to bring together international women’s clubs worldwide for just this purpose. Read More

Embassy Showcase

Fifth Annual Winternational Draws
Over 3,000 To Ronald Reagan Building

a8.winternational.homeThe Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center has been buzzing with celebrations of culture. On Dec. 7, over 3,000 visitors filled the Atrium at the fifth Winternational Embassy Showcase, drawing a record crowd and participation from 37 embassies. Read More