Global Sites


Global Sites: Kazakhstan 2014



Global Sites: Cyprus 2012



The Washington Diplomat produces Global Sites, a TV show that takes viewers around the world by exploring a new country in each episode. Narrated by Shirlie Randall, the series is aired nationally on MHz Worldview, MHz Network’s national channel that brings programming to globally minded audiences throughout the United States via digital broadcast, cable, satellite and digital affiliates.

MHz Worldview serves the U.S. market, reaching more than 40 million households with 10 local broadcast TV channels that air programs from around the world in more than 20 languages. Global Sites brings together little-known aspects of a country’s history, culture, politics and investment opportunities in an entertaining, 30-minute format. Dramatic scenes are shot on site by our production team and blended with interviews of political leaders and local experts in business, tourism and culture.

For more information on how your country can be featured in the next Global Sites, please email us at: