Home Ambassador Profiles Congo, Democratic Republic of His Excellency Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta

His Excellency Ignace Gata Mavita wa Lufuta


From November 2007 until his latest appointment, Mr. Gata Mavita was Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, prior to which he served as Minister for Regional Integration from February to November 2007.

In addition to holding several positions in the Ministry of the Interior, Decentralization and Security from 2005 to 2006, including that of Deputy Chief of Staff, he worked in the Ministry’s Municipal Development Programme and its Support Unit between 2002 and 2005.  From 1997 to 2001, he was a member of the Tripartite Commission between Congo, Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Mr. Gata Mavita holds master’s degrees in law as well as political and administrative sciences, and a bachelor’s in philosophy and letters, all from the National University of Zaire.  He earned a diploma in public administration from the Charleroi University Centre in Belgium.

Born on 7 January 1949 in Popokabaka, Bandundu Province, he is married and has six children.

Contact Information

Democratic republic of the Congo – République Démocratique du Congo 
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 511
New York, NY 10017 

Phone: (212) 319-8061
Fax: (212) 319-8232

Website: http://www.un.int/drcongo/