Home Ambassador Profiles Finland His Excellency Kai Sauer

His Excellency Kai Sauer


 Finland`s UN Mission is a familiar place for Mr. Sauer. He worked here as a first Secretary in the early 2000`s in the unit for Peace and Security. The UN and the policies of the UN have also become familiar along the years, since Mr. Sauer has participated in two UN operations.

“Even though the UN changes slowly, certain matters moved during the years I was away. It has been a busy start here in New York. The rhythm change between Jakarta and New York is considerable”.

The present working environment differs from the previous one in many ways. Finland`s UN Mission in New York is one our biggest diplomatic representations in the world.

“Helsinki follows more actively what happens here in New York and we are in contact more often. The character of the work is also different, because in Jakarta I was involved in the promotion of bilateral relations and the agenda was more controlled. Here in the UN Mission the agenda is considerably more global”, Sauer says.

The 47-year-old Ambassador sees the UN as an important forum to promote the foreign-policy objectives of Finland. As the most significant event of the fall, Mr. Sauer mentions the opening of the new session of the General Assembly:

“High-level guests, the President, two former Presidents, the Minister for Foreign affairs and high-level civil servants as well as NGO representatives arrived here for the UN General Assembly. The UN seems to generate a lot of interest at home, which is good”.

Ambassador Sauer also tries to ensure that the good legacy passed on by his predecessor remains and that the Mission continues to be a pleasant workplace. He sees that it is the management’s responsibility to ensure the wellbeing of the staff.

Mr. Sauer takes care of his own wellbeing through sports. Even though the next months will be busy, Mr. Sauer intends to continue his old hobby, ice hockey:

“I have enrolled in Central Park’s ice hockey hobby series. Otherwise I try to do a variety of sports from golf to diving and running“.

Ambassador Sauer is married and his wife, Ms. Erika Sauer, started as the director of AmCham`s New York office 1 September 2014. They have two daughters and a Labrador retriever.



Contact Information

Permanent Mission of Finland to the UN
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 222,
New York, NY 10017, USA

Phone: (212) 355-2100

Email: sanomat.yke@formin.fi
Website: http://www.finlandun.org