Home Ambassador Profiles Trinidad and Tobago His Excellency Rodney Charles

His Excellency Rodney Charles


Rodney Charles was appointed Ambassador of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations on December 16, 2010.

College of Science Technology and Applied Arts of Trinidad and TobagoCharles is a former communications director of the United National Congress (UNC). He was also the Senior Policy Adviser to the president of the COSTAATT, Emmanuel Gonsalves. In 2007 he served as the Marketing and Public Relations Consultant to the St. Lucia Labour Party (SLP) and from 2004-2005 to the United Workers Party in St Lucia. From 1986-2000 he served in various fields at the National Petroleum (NP) Company, including Manager Retail Marketing, Head of Public Relations and Advertising, Head of Property Management, Head of Public Relations and Management and Public Relations Officer. He started his public relations career at Trintoc from 1980 to 1986 where he served as public relations assistant. His first job however was a Research Officer at the Ministry of Education from 1976-198.

Charles, who has been married for the past 32 years, is accompanied by his wife. The couple has four children: a systems engineer in Houston, USA, an attorney, a medical student and another who graduated with a degree in computing– none of whom will be accompanying them.


Contact Information

Permanent Mission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations
122 E. 42nd St., 39th fl.
New York, NY 10168

Phone: (212) 697-7620
Fax:: (212) 682-3580

Email: tto@un.int
Website: http://www.un.int/wcm/content/site/trinidadandtobago