Home Ambassador Profiles The Holy See His Excellency, The Most Reverend Celestino Migliore

His Excellency, The Most Reverend Celestino Migliore


Native of Cuneo, in the Piedmont region of Italy, His Excellency Archbishop Celestino Migliore was born in 1952 and ordained a priest in 1977.

Having obtained his master’s degree in theology, Archbishop Migliore pursued his studies at the Pontifical Lateran University, where he was awarded the Doctorate in Canon Law. In 1980, after graduating from Pontifical Academy for Ecclesiastical Diplomacy, he joined the Holy See’s diplomatic service.

He served at the Apostolic Nunciatures in Angola (1980-1984), Washington, D.C. (1984-1988), Egypt (1988-1989), and Poland (1989-1992). In April 1992 he was appointed Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France, and from December 1995 to October 2002 served as Under-Secretary of the Section for Relations with States of the Secretariat of State, at the Vatican.

While in Rome, he also taught Ecclesiastical Diplomacy at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome as a Visiting Professor.

On 30 October 2002, he was nominated Apostolic Nuncio and Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations, in New York.

Contact Information

Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the United Nations
25 East 39th Street
New York, NY 10016-0903

Phone: (212) 370-7885
Fax: (212) 370-9622

Website: http://www.holyseemission.org/index2.html