June 2018 Homepage

June 2018 Homepage
Cover Story

Bucking Austerity, Socialists
Bring Economy Back from Brink


During the eurocrisis, the Portuguese found themselves lumped in together with the PIIGS, a derogatory moniker for the debt-saddled economies of Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain. Fast-forward eight years and Portugal has shed its economic ignominy, earning praise for a recovery that Ambassador Domingos Fezas Vital says the Portuguese people, not politicians, made a reality. Read More

Moon in the Shadows

South Korea’s Moon Takes
Big Gamble On Trump, Kim

a1.jong.moon.korea.home As President Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong-un wrangle back and forth over a historic détente, behind the scenes stands South Korean President Moon Jae-in, the son of refugees who fled the North and the low-key mediator who has hitched his reputation on bringing the two wildly unpredictable leaders together. Read More

State of U.S. Immigration

Trump Makes Strides on
Ambitious Immigration Agenda

a2.immigration.gang.illegal.homeOne of the issues that catapulted President Donald Trump into office was immigration. Simply put, he wants less of it, both the illegal and legal kinds, and he has not let up on the issue since assuming the presidency. Read More

Overlooked Repression

Uyghur Muslims Stage Protest
At Chinese Embassy

a3.china.uyghur.protester.homeRecently, about 150 protestors gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy, waving light-blue flags and shouting slogans on behalf of an ethnic group few Americans have ever heard of – the Uyghurs – an ancient people spread across much of East and Central Asia. Read More

Book Review

Steil’s ‘Marshall Plan’ Details
Forgotten Era of American Greatness

a5.book.review.marshall.homeFew initiatives better exemplified American effectiveness and excellence than the Marshall Plan, the economic assistance program designed to help rebuild Europe after the devastation of World War II. “The Marshall Plan: Dawn of the Cold War” by Benn Steil impressively describes the complex history of this initiative. Read More

Nordic Vantage Point

Op-Ed: Humanitarian Aid Needs
To Be Principled and Smart

a6.nordic.refugee.camp.homeAccording to the United Nations, there has never been a greater need for humanitarian assistance in the world than there is today. More than 136 million people from 26 different countries are in need of protection and humanitarian assistance. Read More


Big Rise Seen in U.S. Kids,
Teens Attempting Suicide

a7.medical.teen.suicide.homeIn a troubling sign that anxiety and depression are taking hold of America’s youth, new research shows a doubling since 2008 in the number of kids and teens who’ve been hospitalized for attempted suicide or suicidal thoughts. Read ore