March 2017 Homepage

March 2017 Homepage
Cover Story

Gambian Envoy Disavows Longtime
Ruler to Back Elected President

a5.gambia.faye.homeIt’s not every day that an ambassador risks everything by urging the longtime dictator back home to relinquish power. But that’s exactly what happened when Gambian President Yahya Jammeh refused to concede defeat following the election of real estate developer Adama Barrow — and Gambian Ambassador Sheikh Omar Faye took a principled stand by imploring the brutal autocrat to see the writing on the wall. Read More

Creating Chaos

Five Hotspots to Watch Out For
In Trump’s Conflict-Ridden World

a1.trump.conflict.portrait.homePresident Trump’s penchant for chaos has turned the world order upside down, generating the possibility of fresh conflicts from China to Ukraine to Mexico. The Washington Diplomat highlights the top five hotspots around the world to watch out for as he begins his presidency. Read More

Trump’s ‘Betrayal’

Trump’s Travel Ban Feels Like
Stab in The Back for Iraqis many Iraqis, especially those who fought alongside U.S. troops since the 2003 U.S.-led invasion, seeing their country on Donald Trump’s now-infamous blacklist of refugees barred from the U.S. felt like a “betrayal,” as Iraq’s former ambassador, Lukman Faily — himself banned from visiting the U.S. — described it. Read More

Testing Limits of Dissent

Trump’s Refugee Ban Sparks
Uproar at State Department

a3.state.dissent.tillerson.homePresident Donald Trump’s brief time in office has already been unprecedented in many ways, including the level of vociferous dissent he has triggered in the State Department. More than 1,000 Foreign Service and civil service officers signed a dissent memo objecting to Trump’s executive order banning entry visas for citizens of seven predominantly Muslim countries. Read More


Was State Department’s Dissent Memo
Act of Conscience or PR Stunt?

a4.oped.dissent.tillerson.homeSome 1,000 employees at the Department of State are said to have signed a formal memo sent through the “Dissent Channel” in late January, opposing President Donald Trump’s executive order suspending the admission of all refugees for 120 days. But what does the memo say to the new Secretary of State Rex Tillerson about the organization he now heads, and what will he do about it? Read More

The Manufacturing Mystery

Trade, Automation, Wages Conspire
To Alter U.S. Economic Landscape

a6.manufacturing.robots.homeAs a presidential candidate, Donald Trump struck a protectionist, populist tone that appealed to Rust Belt blue-collar workers but instilled fear among multinational companies, foreign governments and free trade advocates. Those fears were apparently well founded. Read More

Global Gala

D.C.’s World Affairs Council Honors
Those Who Unify, Educate and Inform

a7.wacdc.pair.homeAt a time when Washington feels divided, the World Affairs Council – Washington, DC is preparing to honor five organizations for their unifying global contributions at its annual HONORS: Global Education Gala, to be held March 29. Read More

How to Be Like Ike

Eisenhower’s Presidency
Offers Lessons for Trump

a8.eisenhower.portrait.homePresident Donald Trump To be sure, Dwight D. Eisenhower’s personal and professional background could not be more different than Donald Trump’s and the political world he dominated is of a different century — and seemingly different universe — than today’s. Nonetheless, there are lessons from Ike that Trump would be wise to consider. Read More


Heart Disease Could Cost U.S.
$1 Trillion Per Year by 2035: Report

a9.medical.heart.disease.chart.homeHeart disease is increasing at a troubling pace in the United States, with costs expected to double from $555 billion in 2016 to a whopping $1.1 trillion in 2035, a new American Heart Association (AHA) report estimates. Read More