His ExcellencyFrancisco Carrion MenaAmbassador of Ecuador to the United States |
EMBASSY: | Embassy of Ecuador 2535 15th Street, NW Washington, DC 20009 Phone: (202) 234-7200 |
Website |
His ExcellencyDiego Morejón PazmiñoAmbassador of Ecuador to the United Nations |
Permanent Mission of Ecuador to the United Nations Phone: (212) 935-1680, -1681 |
Website |
His ExcellencyTodd C. ChapmanUnited States Ambassador to Ecuador |
EMBASSY: | Embassy of the United States of America in Quito, Ecuador Ave. Avigiras E12-170 y Ave. Eloy Alfaro (next to SOLCA) Quito, Ecuador Phone:593-2-398-5000 |