Home Ambassador Profiles Finland Her Excellency Donna Welton

Her Excellency Donna Welton


Donna Welton took up her post as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki in August 2016 following a detail to the Department of Defense as the acting Director for Southeast Asia in the Office of the Secretary of Defense (Policy). A graduate of Yale College and a native of upstate New York (where many Finnish-Americans make their home), she began her career with the United States Information Agency in 1984 and did three tours in Asian posts before returning to graduate school in 1992. After completing her coursework for a PhD in Princeton’s Asian Art and Archaeology Department, she worked as a curator of Japanese art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and as an exhibitions curator at the American Federation of Arts in New York.


Contact Information

Embassy of the United States of America
Itäinen Puistotie 14 B
00140 Helsinki

Phone: +358-9-616 250
Fax: +358-9-6162 5800

Website: http://finland.usembassy.gov/