Home Ambassador Profiles Argentina His Excellency Fernando Oris de Roa

His Excellency Fernando Oris de Roa


On January 24, 2018, Fernando Oris de Roa assumed the position of Ambassador to the United States.

Ambassador Fernando Oris de Roa is a businessman and professional manager, profoundly interested in public administration.

Mr. Oris de Roa began his career in 1970 with Continental Grain, a large trading company, and was stationed in the United States, Spain, Brazil, and Switzerland. In 1993, he led a group interested in purchasing a lemon producing and processing company which was facing financial difficulties, S.A. San Miguel, located in the Province of Tucuman. As Chief Executive, he has been widely credited with turning it into the world’s largest and most profitable lemon producing company. In 2004, Ambassador Oris de Roa founded Avex, S.A., a poultry company in Río Cuarto, Córdoba. This greenfield created over one thousand jobs. He has been a Non-Executive Director of Orocobre Limited, the largest lithium operation in Argentina, since June 2010.

He was Assistant Secretary for Investment, Government of the City of Buenos Aires, from 2016-2017.

Ambassador Oris de Roa holds a Master of Public Administration degree from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

He was also a member of the Advisory Council for the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies (2003 to 2010); he sat on the Administrative Council of CIPPEC (2007-2010), and was Administrative Council member of the University of San Andres (1996-2000).

He was appointed Ambassador to the United States of America by President Mauricio Macri. He is married to Mercedes de Campos, and has two daughters, one son, and ten grandchildren.




Contact Information

Embassy of Argentina
1600 New Hampshire Ave,
NW Washington, DC 20009

Phone: (202) 238-6400/ (202) 238-6401
Fax: (202) 332-3171

Email: ambassador@embassyofargentina.us
Website: https://eeeuu.cancilleria.gob.ar