Home Ambassador Profiles Montenegro His Excellency Miodrag Vlahovic

His Excellency Miodrag Vlahovic


Miodrag Vlahovic became ambassador of Montenegro to the United States on Dec. 6, 2006, also serving as nonresident ambassador to Iceland since April.

Prior to his Washington posting, Ambassador Vlahovic was his country’s foreign affairs minister (2004-06), as well as a board member of the Open Society Institute Montenegro (2002-04), director of the Center for Regional and Security Studies (1999-present), founding member of the Montenegrin Center for Democracy and Human Rights (1998), columnist for the publication Monitor (1991-93; 1999-2000), and international secretary of the Liberal Party of Montenegro (1992-93). In addition, he is the founder of the Citizens Committee for Peace in the Montenegrin Peace Movement, having organized the first peace rally in Montenegro in 1991, and he served as a member of Parliament from 1992 until he resigned in 1994. Since 1990, he has also been the owner of MConsult Ltd., one of the first private consulting agencies in Montenegro.

Ambassador Vlahovic graduated from the Podgorica Law Faculty in 1986, has studied at the International Chamber of Commerce, Arbitration in Paris and the International University Center in Luxembourg, and completed his post-graduate thesis on “Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights and EEC Competition Rules”
in the Netherlands.

He speaks English and Italian and is married with three daughters.

Contact Information

Embassy of Montenegro
1610 New Hampshire Avenue Northwest,
Washington, DC 20009

Phone: (202) 234-6108