Home Ambassador Profiles Burma His Excellency Than Swe

His Excellency Than Swe


Mr. Than Swe was appointed Ambassador to the United Nations on Apil 8, 2009.

Until his appointment, he was Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations from March 2008 to March 2009. Prior to his time in New York, Mr. Than Swe spent almost nine years, from May 2000 to March 2009, as Director General for the Progress of Border Areas and National Races, in the Ministry of Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs.

His early career was spent in the Myanmar Army, where he rose from Second Lieutenant to Colonel in the period from January 1975 to May 2000. He joined the Defence Services Academy as a military cadet in January 1971, passing out in December 1975.

Mr. Than Swe received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the Academy and also holds a Master of Arts degree in defence studies. He is the recipient of several military awards, including the General Service Medal, People’s War Medal, State and Tranquility Medal, Maing Yan/Mae Tha Waw Battle Star, Conquest Over Threat Medal, Service to the State Medal, Mela Battle Star, and Medal for Excellent Performance in the Administrative Field (First Class).

Born on 19 June 1953, Mr. Than Swe is married and has two daughters.

Contact Information

Permanent Mission of the Union of Myanmar to the United Nations
10 East 77th Street, New York, N.Y. 10021

Phone: (212) 744 1271, 744 1275
Fax: (212) 744 1290

Email: myanmarmission@verizon.net
Website: http://www.un.int/wcm/content/site/myanmar