January Homepage

January Homepage
Cover Story

Economically Battered Brazil
Hopes for Olympic Rebound

a5.cover.brazil.rio.homeAll the world’s eyes will be on Brazil in August, when Rio de Janeiro hosts South America’s first Olympics ever. Yet for most of Brazil’s 200 million citizens, the Summer Games will amount to little more than 16 days of distraction from a worsening economic crisis that saw inflation hit 10 percent and GDP shrink by 3 percent in 2015. Read More

People of World Influence

Ex-U.S. Trade Official Talks
TPP, Obama’s Asia Outreach

a1.powi.cutler.homeAfter a long career in government, Wendy Cutler shifted gears in October and took over as director of the Asia Society’s Washington office while simultaneously assuming the role of vice president of the Asia Society Policy Institute. Read More

Climate Consensus

Paris Seeks to Square What’s
Needed with What’s Achievable

a2.climate.moon.obama.homeNegotiators at the Paris climate change summit were determined not to repeat the mistakes of the past as they scrambled to lock down a landmark accord that could put the world on the path to curbing greenhouse gas emissions. Read More

Selective Sympathy

Paris, Beirut Tragedies
Elicit Range of Reactions

a3.media.sympathy.egypt.homeThere was an outpouring of grief for the Islamic State-inspired terrorist attacks that shook Paris and Beirut, but the widely varying reactions to the twin tragedies had many people asking why one group of people appeared to be more deserving of sympathy than the other. Read More

Quiet Peacemaker

Oman Assumes Low-Key Yet
Influential Role in Mideast Affairs

a4.oman.kerry.sultan.homeIran’s nuclear ambitions, Syria’s brutal civil war and ongoing hostilities in Yemen dominated Middle East news in 2015 — all while a fourth country that rarely makes headlines, the Sultanate of Oman, quietly worked behind the scenes to resolve all three crises. Read More

Not-So-Promised Land

For Refugees, Asylum Seekers
In U.S., Hardship Endures

a6.refugees.lotshampa.bhutan.homeRefugees and asylum seekers who reach the United States may be free of the persecution, threats and dangers that drove them from their home country in the first place, but they face a whole new set of challenges once they arrive in the promised land. Read More


U.S. Summit Draws Attention
To Technology with Potential, Peril

a7.medical.genes.homeWhat if faulty genes in your DNA could be easily corrected, avoiding the ravages of diseases like cystic fibrosis or certain cancers? That is the promise of gene editing, a new technique being heralded as an enormous advancement in genetic engineering. Read More