Home More News National Press Club holds embassy press attaché mixer

National Press Club holds embassy press attaché mixer

National Press Club holds embassy press attaché mixer
Lisa Matthews, president of the National Press Club (at podium), welcomes embassy press attachés to an Oct. 14 reception

The National Press Club (NPC) is no stranger to the spotlight; its members have reported some of the biggest stories of the last century. On Oct. 14, the NPC itself made news when over 70 people gathered at its Holeman Lounge for the club’s first official press attaché mixer.

The event brought together roughly 50 D.C.-based foreign embassy media officials and 20 club members. Jan DuPlain, one of the evening’s organizers, said it gave the NPC a chance to re-establish trust with local diplomats.

“The rhetoric of previous [presidential] administrations discredited both the press and ostracized the diplomatic community. We wanted [the mixer] to be an opportunity to start fresh,” said  DuPlain, an NPC member since 1971.

After the speeches, NPC Executive Director Bill McCarren gave the diplomats a tour of the press club, which was established 114 years ago.