August 2019 Homepage

August 2019 Homepage
Cover Story

Uzbekistan’s Young Envoy: Country
Is Undoing 25 Years of Repression

a4.uzbekistan.vakhabov.portrait.homeJavlon Vakhabov, Tashkent’s young new envoy in Washington, hopes to be the fresh face of a new Uzbekistan, as the former Soviet republic works to undo 25 years of repressive rule under the Karimov dictatorship and emerge from international isolation. ReadMore

Brotherhood Under Siege

With Its Leader Dead, Muslim
Brotherhood May Be on Its Last Legs

a1.brotherhood.egypt.protest.lion.homeWith the Trump administration considering designating it a terrorist organization, its leader dead and its members facing a wave of repression across the Arab world, Muslim Brotherhood — the world’s oldest Islamist organization — may be on its last legs? Read More

Real Trade Victors

As U.S., China Duke It Out in Tariff
War, Other Nations Emerge Winners


Several countries are reaping the rewards of the U.S.-China trade war, but the United States and China aren’t among them, as manufacturers shift production to Vietnam, Cambodia and elsewhere to avoid the tariff fallout. Read More

Operation Jihadi Bride

Former British Soldier’s Mission
Is to Save Women from Islamic State

a3.jihad.logo.homeFor 18 months, a former British soldier made repeated incursions into the most dangerous parts of Islamic State territory. His mission? To save the young women who wanted to escape the caliphate and return to the West. He talks about how and why he did it. Read More

Heartfelt Pain

Possible Links Discovered Between
Broken Heart Syndrome and Cancer

a5.medical.broken.heart.sunset.home“Broken heart syndrome” may harm more than just the heart, new research suggests. While the extreme stress of losing a loved one has been linked to heart troubles in prior research, a new study found that one in six people with broken heart syndrome also had cancer. Read More