Home More News His Excellency Abdujabbor Shirinov

His Excellency Abdujabbor Shirinov


Abdujabbor Shirinov became ambassador of Tajikistan to the United States on Feb. 21, 2007. Ambassador Shirinov previously served as first deputy director of the Agency for State Finance Control and the Struggle Against Corruption (2006-07), chair of the Committee for State Financial Control of the Republic of Tajikistan (2006), as well as first deputy chairman of the National Tajikistan Bank (2000-06).

In addition, he was the first deputy chairman of the Executive Board of the Joint-Stock Commerce Agro-Industrial Investment Bank (1998-2000), and chief engineer and then director of the Settlement Department of the National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan (1992-98).

From 1974 to 1992, Ambassador Shirinov worked as a computer software programmer, eventually reaching the position of head of the department for designing automatic control systems in the date-processing center of Tajik State University.

Ambassador Shirinov graduated from Tajik State University with a specialty in mathematics, returning to obtain a degree in economics in 1999. Ambassador Shirinov speaks Persian, Russian and English, and he is married with five children.

Contact Information

Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan
1005 New Hampshire
Ave., NW
Washington, D.C. 20037

Phone: 202-223-6090
Fax: 202-223-6091

Email: tajikistan@verizon.net
Website: http://www.tjus.org/