Home Ambassador Profiles1 Vietnam His Excellency Le Cong Phung

His Excellency Le Cong Phung


Le Cong Phung became ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the United States of America in October 2007.

A career diplomat, Ambassador Phung previously served as the first deputy foreign minister—the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ second-ranking official—assisting the deputy prime minister and foreign minister in the conduct of Vietnam’s foreign policy.

He also served as deputy foreign minister (2001-04) and assistant foreign minister (1999-2000), as well as chairman for both the Committee on Border Affairs and the National Commission for UNESCO (2000-04).

During his 37-year career, Ambassador Phung served in various Foreign Service posting in England (1974-77), China (1978-80), Indonesia (1984-87), and as ambassador to Thailand (1993-97).

Ambassador Phung was born in on February 20, 1948 in Thanh Hoa Province, Vietnam. He graduated from the College of Diplomacy of Vietnam in 1971. Ambassador Phung speaks fluent English and French.

He is married to Nguyen Thi Nhan and has two sons.

Contact Information

Embassy of Vietnam
1233 20th St. NW #400
Washington, DC 20036

Phone : (202) 861-0737
Fax: (202) 861-0917

Website: http://www.vietnamembassy-usa.org/