July 2020 Homepage

July 2020 Homepage
Canadian Ambassador Kirsten Hillman — standing on the embassy’s rooftop, which overlooks the U.S. Capitol — was instrumental in negotiating United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), the hard-fought successor to the 25-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement. (Photo: Ursula McNamara)
Cover Story

Canada’s New Envoy Confronts Pandemic, Protest, Protectionism

Canada’s new ambassador, Kirsten Hillman, is as busy as ever carrying out her normal duties while also adjusting to the new normal of pandemic and protest. Yet in many ways, unrest and uncertainty have been Hillman’s “normal” for the last three years. Read More

People of World Influence

Capricia Marshall’s New Book Shows The Enduring Power of Protocol

Capricia Penavic Marshall, who served as protocol chief for President Barack Obama and social secretary for President Bill Clinton, says in her new book, “Protocol: The Power of Diplomacy and How to Make It Work for You”, that the age-old art of protocol is just as relevant as ever. Read More

Special Report

Europe Grapples with Sino-American Rivalry

Much like the United States, Europe’s attention is shifting further east as well, and the Russia threat and others are being overshadowed by concerns about Europe’s place in a world dominated by Sino-American rivalries. Read More

EU to the Rescue?

EU Hopes to Rise to the Challenge With ‘Next Generation’ Budget

With the head of its central bank predicting the worst economic downturn since World War II, a global pandemic raging and its second-largest economy about to completely depart, these are trying times — yet again — for the European Union. Read More


State Department Evacuated 100,000 Americans as COVID-19 Spread

Hundreds of U.S. consular officials around the world have snapped into action to bring home more than 100,000 Americans traveling or living abroad in more than 130 countries as the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe. Read More

South Asia

Countries Ease Restrictions As COVID-19 Numbers Increase

Countries in South Asia have been easing restrictions and reopening their economies, despite increasing coronavirus cases in recent weeks. The global lockdowns in response to the pandemic have caused widespread economic disruptions. Read More


Singapore’s Coronavirus Cases Increase Due to Migrant Workers

In recent weeks, Singapore went from global success story in its response to the coronavirus outbreak to having the largest number of cases in Southeast Asia. Most startlingly, though, is the number of migrant worker infections in the country, which dwarfs that of the general population. Read More

Failure of Forcible Regime Change

Academics Say U.S. Interventions To Force Regime Change Often Fail

There is a long history of countries overthrowing other countries’ governments to get what they want and an equally long history of such efforts ending in abject failure, ranging from the American morass in Vietnam to the botched Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Read More

Why America Slept

JFK’s Analysis of Pre-War Britain Offers Parallels to Today’s Pandemic

Published in July 1940, John F. Kennedy’s “Why England Slept” provides a template for how to analyze the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States in 2020. His approach can help us understand “Why America Slept.” Read More


Blood Plasma Therapy Helps Critically Ill Covid-19 Patients

The blood plasma of people who have recovered from the new coronavirus infection may help critically ill COVID-19 patients recover, a new study finds. Of 25 sick patients given plasma transfusions, 19 improved and 11 left the hospital, the researchers reported. Read More


Amid COVID-19, Traditional Recipes Comfort Middle Eastern Communities

Amid global lockdowns and uncertainty surrounding COVID-19, many countries are circling back to one constant: food. In the Middle East, there has been a revival of traditional recipes to unite communities through cuisine. Read More