May 2020 Homepage

May 2020 Homepage
Cover Story

Wildfires Leave Lasting Scars,
Lessons on Australian Continent

As coronavirus grips Australia, the country has barely recovered from another crisis: the catastrophic wildfires that consumed parts of the continent. But Australia’s new ambassador, Arthur Sinodinos, is no stranger to crisis. Read More

Pandemic Impetus

Coronavirus Could Upend
Yemen’s Long-Running Conflict

It’s hard to imagine things could get any worse in Yemen, which was already the Arab world’s poorest country before war broke out five years ago. With the coronavirus health crisis sweeping the globe, however, experts fear the situation in Yemen could indeed get much, much worse. Read More

People of World Influence

Ex-Pentagon Official Offers Perspective
On U.S. National Security Challenges

Michèle Flournoy, one of the highest-ranking women to serve in the Pentagon, talks about the litany of security crises facing the world, but when asked what keeps her up at night, one worry stands out: the Yes Men surrounding President Trump.

Contagion Learning Curve

After Botched Ebola Response, WHO
Applies Lessons with Coronavirus

The World Health Organization was sharply criticized for its response to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014. Today, however, the early reviews of the WHO’s response to coronavirus are much more nuanced. Read More

Failure of Forcible Regime Change

Academics Say U.S. Interventions
To Force Regime Change Often Fail

There is a long history of countries overthrowing other countries’ governments to get what they want and an equally long history of such efforts ending in abject failure, ranging from the American morass in Vietnam to the botched Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Read More

Why America Slept

JFK’s Analysis of Pre-War Britain
Offers Parallels to Today’s Pandemic

Published in July 1940, John F. Kennedy’s “Why England Slept” provides a template for how to analyze the Covid-19 pandemic in the United States in 2020. His approach can help us understand “Why America Slept.” Read More

Contested Waters

U.S. Races to Broker Egypt-Ethiopia
Deal As Nile Dam Plows Ahead

The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam along the Nile River could be a game-changer for Ethiopia’s 100 million people, transforming their country into Africa’s biggest power exporter. But for Egypt and its 100 million people, the Nile Dam is an existential threat Read More

In Memoriam

Yoko Elizabeth Sugiyama, Wife
of Japanese Ambassador, Dies at 66

Yoko Elizabeth Sugiyama, the wife of Japanese Ambassador to the U.S. Shinsuke J. Sugiyama, died Feb. 10 of apparent sudden heart failure at the couple’s home in Tokyo at the age of 66.Read More

Quiet Trailblazer

America’s First Female Ambassador
Focused on the Job, Not Gender

One of the first things that stands out in the book “Mrs. Ambassador: The Life and Politics of Eugenie Anderson” is that history really does repeat itself. Were America’s first woman ambassador to return to the job today, she would find herself on somewhat familiar ground. Read More


COVID-19 Tied to Blood Clots;
Blood Thinners Could Boost Survival

As more evidence emerges that COVID-19 is tied to an increased risk of dangerous blood clots, new research suggests that giving patients blood thinners may improve their odds of survival. Read More


How Would a Statesman in the
White House Respond to Covid-19?

How would a world-class statesman or stateswoman residing in the White House respond to the Covid-19 pandemic? Obviously there is no simple solution in tackling this crisis; however, the history of American statesmanship suggests a roadmap. Read More

Living in Limbo

As Azerbaijan Resettles IDPs,
Many Still Yearn for Home

About 700,000 internationally displaced persons (IDPs) from Armenian-occupied Karabakh are scattered throughout Azerbaijan, which is spending 1 billion manat on IDPs, including 200 million manat specifically to construct new housing for them. Read More

Remembering the Dead

Visiting Quba’s Genocide Complex:
Azerbaijan’s Memorial to Suffering

If the main tourist attraction in the Azerbaijani city of Quba bears resemblance to Jerusalem’s Yad Vashem World Holocaust Remembrance Center, there’s a good reason: underneath lies as many as 60,000 victims of a mass murder that allegedly took place more than 100 years ago. Read More

Book Review

Oral Histories Offers Reflections
On Kissinger’s Diplomacy, Leadership

There is no shortage of discussion or analysis when it comes to Henry Kissinger. Nevertheless, “Kissinger on Kissinger: Reflections on Diplomacy, Grand Strategy, and Leadership” offers valuable insights into this iconic figure in U.S. foreign policy. Read More