March 2019 Homepage

March 2019 Homepage
EXCLUSIVE: Cover Story

Battle for Venezuela:
Who’s in Charge?

a4.venezuela.vecchio.profile.homeFrom a temporary office in D.C., Carlos Alfredo Vecchio, the U.S.-recognized envoy for Venezuela, is fighting to dismantle the dictatorship that has plunged what was once Latin America’s wealthiest nation into abject misery — and help his friend and colleague, 35-year-old Interim President Juan Guaidó, bring democracy back to Venezuela. Read More

People of World Influence

Asia Expert Says North Korea’s Kim
Outfoxing Trump With Long Game

a1.powi.jackson.korea.portrait.homePresident Trump’s follow-up meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un is a chance for him to choose substance over style. Noted Asia expert Van Jackson, however, believes the former reality TV star will once again choose the latter over the former, allowing the North to continue building up its nuclear weapons program. Read More

Brexit’s Dividing Line

Irish Backstop Threatens U.K.’s
Divorce From EU, Peace in Ireland


Twenty years of peace followed three decades of violence known as “The Troubles” in Ireland and Northern Ireland, thanks to an internationally acclaimed peace accord. But now, the fear is that the shootings and bombings may return, and the reason why can be summed up in just one word: Brexit. Read More

So Much for the Swamp

Despite Vows to Clean Up Politics,
Corruption Rises in Trump’s America

a3.corruption.trump.medal.homePresident Donald Trump may have promised to drain the swamp, but a recent survey on the top 20 “cleanest,” or least-corrupt, countries in the world shows that the U.S. may be getting dirtier under his watch. Read More

Beneficial Exchange

Royce Promotes Power of Educational
Exchange to Further U.S. Interests

a5.royce.doors.main.homeMarie Royce, wife of recently retired Rep. Ed Royce (R-Calif.), has carved out her own long career in business, academia and now government as assistant secretary of state for educational and cultural affairs. Read More

War Wounds

Kosovo’s U.N. Envoy Fights for
Recognition Amid Feud with Serbia

a6.kosovo.sahatqua.homePRISTINA, Kosovo — Teuta Sahatqija, Kosovo’s envoy to the U.N., lives every day with bitter memories of the war that ripped her country apart 20 years ago. These days, politics and the ghosts of the past pretty much define her life. Read More


Research Shows that Obesity-Linked
Cancers Rise Among Young Americans

a7.medical.scale.homeAs more young American adults struggle with extra weight, they are paying an even steeper price as the rates of obesity-related cancers rise in this age group though the overall rate is lower than among older adults, according to the report. Read More