August 2013


Republic of Korea

Ahn Ho-young became ambassador of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) on July 18. Ambassador Ahn previously served as first vice minister of foreign affairs and trade (2012-13), ambassador to Belgium and head of the Korean Mission to the European Union (2011-12), and deputy minister for trade at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) from 2008 to 2011, during which time he was the president’s sherpa for the G-20 and G8 outreach meetings. Other postings in MOFAT include director-general of the Multilateral Trade Bureau (2003-04) and director of the International Trade Law Division in the Office of the Minister for Trade (2002-03). He was also an adjunct professor in law and diplomacy at Korea University from 2006 to 2008, before which he was director-general of the Economic Cooperation Bureau at the Ministry of Finance and Economy from 2004 to 2006. In addition, Ambassador Ahn was a counselor for the Korean Permanent Delegation to the World Trade Organization in Switzerland (1998-2002); counselor for the Korean Delegation to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in France (1996-98); director of the International Trade Division III in the International Trade Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1994-96); and director of the Treaties Division II in the Treaties Bureau of the ministry (1993-94). In the early part of his career, Ambassador Ahn, who joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1978, served as second secretary to the Korean Embassy in India (1984-90) and as first secretary in the Korean Embassy in the United States (1990-93). Ambassador Ahn, born July 5, 1956, graduated from the Department of International Relations at Seoul National University and from the Graduate School of Georgetown University in Washington, D.C.


Bakhtiyar Gulyamov became ambassador of Uzbekistan to the United States on July 18, having previously served as ambassador to Belgium and head of mission to the European Union and NATO since 2010. Before that, he was Uzbekistan’s ambassador to Germany from 2005 to 2009, during which time he was also ambassador to the Czech Republic, Sweden (2008-09) and Switzerland (2007-09), with residence in Berlin. In addition, Ambassador Gulyamov was a first secretary at the Uzbek Embassy in Japan (2001-03) and second secretary at the Uzbek Embassy in Great Britain (1995-98). Other postings in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs include head of division and head of department within the ministry’s Department of UNO and International Organizations (2003-05), first secretary in the Department of Political Analysis and Forecast (1998-2001), as well as senior inspector, second secretary and head of division in the Consular Department (1992-95). Ambassador Gulyamov was also a chief specialist with the Uzbekyengilsanoat (Uzbek light industry) Association (1991-92), a senior inspector with the International Relations Division of the Tashkent Technical Institute (1989-91), and a military interpreter with the U.S.S.R. Ministry of Defense (1986-89). Born in Moscow on Feb. 18, 1964, Ambassador Gulyamov graduated from Tashkent State University specializing in the history of Arab countries. In 1999, he completed the Academy on State and Social Construction under the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and received a master’s degree in international relations. Ambassador Gulyamov speaks Arabic, English and Russian, and is married with two children.

Recently Credentialed

The following ambassadors were credentialed by President Obama on July 18: Georgios Chacalli of Cyprus; Lukman Abdulraheem Abdulkareem Al Faily of Iraq; Mathilde Mukantabana of Rwanda; Ahn Ho-young of South Korea; Liberata Rutageruka Mulamula of Tanzania; Oliver Wonekha of Uganda; and Bakhtiyar Turadjanovich Gulyamov of Uzbekistan.

Bidding Farewell

The following ambassadors are leaving their postings this summer: Michael Collins of Ireland; Wegger Christian Strommen of Norway; Adrian Vierita of Romania; Roman Kirn of Slovenia; Jonas Hafström of Sweden; and Mokhtar Chaouachi of Tunisia.