Home Ambassador Profiles Thailand Charge d’ Affaires Patrick Murphy

Charge d’ Affaires Patrick Murphy


W. Patrick Murphy, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, assumed the role of Chargé d’affaires ad interim at U.S. Mission Thailand in November 2014.  He has served as Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) in Thailand since 2013.  Prior to arriving in Bangkok, he served as Special Representative and Policy Coordinator for Burma.  He earlier served as Director and Deputy Director of the Office for Mainland Southeast Asia (Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam), leader of the interagency Ninewa Provincial Reconstruction Team in northern Iraq, DCM at U.S. Embassy Maseru (Kingdom of Lesotho), and Political and Economic Chief at Embassy Rangoon.  Since joining the U.S. Department of State in 1992 he has also completed diplomatic assignments abroad in China, Guinea, and Mali.

In Washington, Mr. Murphy previously served as senior political advisor for the Haiti Working Group and desk officer for Burma and Laos.  He was a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon.  He received an M.A. in international relations from The Johns Hopkins University (SAIS), an M.S. in strategic security studies from the National War College, where he was a distinguished (honor) graduate, and a B.A. in political science and Canadian studies from the University of Vermont.  He studied international economics at the European Institute in Nice, France.

Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Mr. Murphy was a resource economist for the World Wildlife Fund and a policy analyst for the Overseas Development Council.  His foreign languages include French, Spanish, Cantonese, and Burmese.  Patrick and his wife, Kathleen, have a son (Seamus) and two daughters (Meghan and Gillian).


Contact Information

120 – 122 Wireless Road and 95 Wireless Road
Bangkok, Thailand

Phone: +66-2-205-4000

Email: visasbkk@state.gov
Website: http://bangkok.usembassy.gov/