Home Ambassador Profiles Russia His Excellency Anatoly Antonov

His Excellency Anatoly Antonov


Anatoly Antonov was appointed ambassador of Russia to the United States on Aug. 21, 2017.

 Ambassador Antonov graduated from Moscow Stated Institute of International Relations with a PhD in Political Science and joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1978. Through 2002-2004 he was the Ambassador-at-Large of the Russian Foreign Ministry, followed by serving as the Director of the Department of Security and Disarmament and a member of the Russian Foreign Ministry Board until 2011. Antonov was the Deputy Minister of Defense for five years, then in 2016 he served as the Deputy Foreign Minster of the Russian Federation, where he was responsible for general issues of military and political security.

He speaks Russian, English, and Burmese and has one daughter.

Contact Information

Embassy of Russia
2650 Wisconsin Ave. NW
Washington DC 20007

Phone: (202) 298-5700
Fax: (202) 298-5735

Website: http://www.russianembassy.org/