Home Ambassador Profiles Chad His Excellency Ngote Gali Koutou

His Excellency Ngote Gali Koutou


Ngote Gali Koutou became ambassador of Chad to the United States on Jan. 24, 2018. Ambassador Gali Koutou previously served as director-general of the Société des Hydrocarbures du Tchad (2015-16; 2012-13); director of the president’s civil cabinet (2014); director of the prime minister’s cabinet (2003-09); secretary-general of the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Cooperation (1999-2003); and director of the Aménagement du Territoire et de la Planification Régionale (1997-98). He holds degrees from L’Ecole Nationale d’Administration and holds the title of a Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures en Assurances. Ambassador Gali Koutou, who was born in 1957 in Kyabé, Chad, is married with six children.



Contact Information

Embassy of Chad
2401 Massachusetts Ave, NW
Washington, DC 20008

Phone: (202)-652-1312
Fax: (202)-265-1937

Website: http://chadembassy.us/