Home Ambassador Profiles Jamaica Her Excellency Audrey Marks

Her Excellency Audrey Marks


H.E. Audrey Marks is Jamaica’s thirteenth Ambassador to the United States of America and the Permanent Representative of Jamaica to the Organization of American States (OAS).

Ambassador Marks assumed duties at the Embassy in Washington, D.C. on September 12, 2016. She previously served in the same capacity for two (2) years from 2010 – 2012, thereby creating history by being the first Jamaican female Ambassador to the USA, and also the first Ambassador to be assigned to the same Post twice.

Prior to assuming her Ambassadorial role, Ambassador Marks, an entrepreneur by profession, started and operated six previous businesses, including a 100-acre banana exporting farm, a transportation company, as well as a real estate sales and development company. She also operated a Venture Capital Company with diverse investments, including manufacturing, travel and entertainment.

She is perhaps best known for having founded Paymaster (Jamaica) Limited, an on-line paymaster system which she conceptualized and started in 1997. Paymaster operates payment agencies from which all types of bill payments and remittances can be made and is the first multi-transaction agency in the Caribbean.

Ambassador Marks has also served on several private and public-sector Boards, including being the Chairman of the Central Wastewater Treatment Company Limited (CWTC); Chair of the Tourism Product Development Company (TPDCo); Deputy Chair of the Urban Development Corporation (UDC); Director of the Board of RBTT Securities Jamaica Limited; Jamaica Trade and Invest (JTI); National Health Fund (NHF); and the University of the West Indies (Mona School of Business). She has the distinction of being the first female President of the American Chamber of Commerce of Jamaica (AMCHAM), an organization which promotes investment and trade between the United States and Jamaica.

She holds a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of the West Indies, Mona, Jamaica, and Nova University, Florida, USA, respectively.

Ambassador Marks is the recipient of numerous citations and recognition from her peers and various organizations for her pioneering work, entrepreneurial endeavours and commitment to social causes. These include: Ernest & Young Nominee for the “Caribbean Entrepreneur of the Year 2000”; Business Leader of the Year Award nominee for 2000; and the Florida International University Business Leader of the Year Award for 2003 and 2010. She is married to Jassel Dunstan and they have two daughters – Morgan and Madison. She enjoys playing golf, mentoring young adults and spending time with her family.


Contact Information

Embassy of Jamaica
1520 New Hampshire Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20036

Phone: (202) 452-0660
Fax: (202) 452-0081

Website: www.embassyofjamaica.org