Home Ambassador Profiles Cote I'voire His Excellency Kacou Houadja Léon Adom

His Excellency Kacou Houadja Léon Adom


The new Permanent Representative of Côte d’Ivoire to the United Nations, Kacou Houadja Léon Adom, presented his credentials to UN Secretary‑General António Guterres on 12 July, 2018.

Prior to his latest appointment, Mr. Adom served as Ambassador and Secretary-General in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs since 2017, holding the rank of Secretary of State.

From 2008, he was his country’s Ambassador to Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland, Hungry and Romania, with residence in Berlin, having previously been Ambassador and Cabinet Director in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Abidjan.  Between 1997 and 2005, he served as Ambassador to Israel and, concurrently from 1998, to Turkey.

Between 1995 and 1996, Mr. Adom was Ambassador and Acting Director of the Department of America and Oceania, concurrently serving since 1991 as the Foreign Ministry’s Inspector of Diplomatic and Consular Posts in Abidjan.  From 1986 to 1990, he was Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Primary Education in Abidjan.

Mr. Adom holds a Master of English from the University of Abidjan, having studied diplomacy at the National School of Administration in Abidjan, and at the International Institute of Public Administration in Paris.  He also attended the Centre of International Studies of Tokyo University and the Public Administration School in Quebec City.

Born in 1950, he is married and has three children.


Contact Information

Mission Permanente de la Côte d’Ivoire auprès de l’ Organisation des Nations Unies
800 2nd Ave.
5th floor
New York, NY 10017

Phone: (646) 649-5061 – 5986 – 9572 – 9823
Fax : (646) 781-9974

Website: http://civonu.org/index.php/contact-ambassador/