May 2013 Homepage

May 2013 Homepage
Cover Story

Can Dutch Ingenuity Help Save
U.S. from Future Natural Disasters?

a5.netherlands.bekink.homeFrom generating jobs and investment to offering advice on water management and climate change, the Netherlands has become an invaluable partner for the U.S. that punches far above its weight. Read More

People of World Influence

Longtime Congressman Leaves
Lasting Foreign Policy Footprint

a1.powi.berman.homeHoward Berman, a 30-year congressman and leader on U.S. foreign policy, is turning a new leaf while also hoping his efforts to overhaul America’s foreign assistance don’t end with his failed re-election bid. Read More


Pakistani Elections Are Possible
Bright Spot In Troubled Country’s upcoming election marks a rare moment of optimism in a country beset with problems — from Islamic militants terrorizing its people to crippling power outages that have left its economy in the dark. Read More

The Rotunda: Foreign Affairs on Capitol Hill

‘A Dilemma with Horns’:
Congress Steps Into Syria Fray

a3.rotunda.syria.building.homeCongress is stepping into the contentious debate over whether to arm Syria’s rebels in an attempt to stanch the bloodletting that has raged for two years now. Read More

International Relations

Japan-South Korean Rivalry
Is Thorn in America’s Pivot

a4.japan.korea.missile.homeNorth Korea has been screaming at the top of its lungs that it will destroy the U.S. and South Korea but beyond the verbal bombast, two of America’s best friends in the region have also been quietly butting heads — hampering Washington’s ability to tamp down hostilities elsewhere. Read More


Chicago: Underrated
U.S. Hub of Diplomacy

a6.chicago.skyline.homeAlmost no one thinks of diplomacy when they think of Chicago, but the quintessential American city is far more international than many realize. Read More

Book Review

Enlightening ‘Secretary’ Offers
Window into Hillary the Diplomat“The Secretary” is a compelling account of Hillary Clinton’s tenure at Foggy Bottom that also offers some clues as to what kind leader she might be in the White House. Read More