Home Ambassador Profiles Costa Rica Charge d’ Affaires Robin Matthewman

Charge d’ Affaires Robin Matthewman


Charge d’Affaires a.i. Robin Matthewman is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Minister Counselor.

Ms. Matthewman joined the Foreign Service in 1987. Early in her career she served in Costa Rica as an Economic Officer (1989-1991), as well as in Mexico City, Moscow and in Honduras as an Economic and Commercial Counselor. She then served as the Deputy Chief of Mission in Uruguay, as the Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs in Iraq (2013-2014), and most recently in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs in Washington as the Director of the Office of Mexican Affairs. In that capacity, Ms. Matthewman managed and coordinated U.S. policy with respect to economic, political, security, and border coordination between the United States and Mexico.

Her previous Washington tours have included working on European trade issues (1991-1993) Caspian oil and gas issues (1994-96), senior Venezuela desk officer (1999-2001), division chief for Europe and Western Hemisphere in the State Department’s Office of Bilateral Trade (2004-2006), Deputy Director of the Office of Andean Affairs (2006-2008), Special Advisor on Food Security and Director of the Office of Development Finance in the Bureau of Economic Affairs (2010-2013).

Ms. Matthewman has a Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations, with a specialty in Economic Development from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service (1975), and a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Washington in Seattle (1986). She also participated in the Mid-Career program at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School in 1993-1994.

She is married to Jack Matthewman and has two sons, Robert and Scott.


Contact Information

US Embassy
Calle 120 Avenida 0
Pavas, San José
Costa Rica

Phone: [506] 2519-2000 
(From the U.S.: 011-506-2519-2000)
Fax: [506] 2519-2305 
(From the U.S.: 011-506-2519-2305)

Website: http://sanjose.usembassy.gov/