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December 2017 Homepage
Cover Story

Poverty-Stricken Bangladesh Struggles
To Absorb Rohingya Refugees


Bangladeshi Ambassador Mohammad Ziauddin says his overcrowded nation is struggling to absorb the mass exodus of persecuted Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, calling it “possibly the most catastrophic human crisis ever faced in the recent history of mankind.” Read More

People of World Influence

Puerto Rico’s Jenniffer González-Colón
Pleads For Help Her Devastated Island

a1.powi.puerto.rico.gonzalez.homeIn the days after Hurricane Maria crushed Puerto Rico, San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz grabbed all the headlines for her verbal lashing of President Trump. But it’s another Puerto Rican politician — Jenniffer González-Colón — who actually wields clout in Washington, where it counts. Read More

TPP 2.0

TPP Countries Move Forward
With Trade Deal Minus the U.S.

a2.tpp.trump.japan.homePresident Trump may have ditched the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), but the 11 remaining members, led by Japan, have resurrected the sweeping trade deal in a clear rebuke to Trump’s “America first” agenda. Read More

Power on the Hill

In Volatile Trump Era, Congress
Reconsiders Its Foreign Policy Role

a3.foreign.policy.senate.homeFrom his threats against North Korea to his praise for Russia, President Trump’s foreign policy forays have raised alarms on Capitol Hill. But how much power do lawmakers wield in driving American foreign policy? Read More

Failed Gamble

Former U.S., Iraqi Diplomats Criticize
Wisdom of Kurdish Independence Vote

a4.kurdistan.jeffrey.faily.homeIraq’s Kurds badly miscalculated by deciding to hold a referendum on independence just as the last remnants of the Islamic State were being pounded out of existence in both Iraq and Syria. Now, the Kurds’ long-held dream of building a state has been put on the backburner yet again. Read More


U.S. Seniors Struggle to Pay More
For Healthcare Than Other Countries

a6.medical.senior.care.homeA new report finds the availability of health care for U.S. seniors lags behind that of other affluent nations. America’s seniors are still sicker than the elderly in other countries — and are more likely to go without essential care because of cost according to the Commonwealth Fund study. Read More