Home Ambassador Profiles Palau Her Excellency Amy J. Hyatt

Her Excellency Amy J. Hyatt


Amy J. Hyatt arrived at Embassy Koror in March 2015 to assume the position of Ambassador. She is a career Foreign Service Officer with the personal rank of Minister Counselor.

Ms. Hyatt has worked for the U.S. Department of State for over 29 years, serving in Washington, DC and at seven embassies overseas. Most recently Ms. Hyatt was the Management Counselor at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt.  Before that she was the Diplomat in Residence at Arizona State University.

Ms. Hyatt was the Deputy Chief of Mission and Chargé at the U.S. Embassy in Helsinki, Finland and served in Korea, Thailand, the Philippines, Norway, and the Czech Republic. While in Washington, DC, she served as Political Analyst handling North Korea for the Bureau of Intelligence & Research and as Post Management Officer for several East Asian posts.

Ms. Hyatt was nominated by President Obama to be Ambassador to the Republic of Palau and was confirmed by the Senate in December 2014.

Prior to entering the Foreign Service, Ms. Hyatt was a litigation attorney in San Francisco. She has a J.D. from Stanford, an M.S.S. from the National Defense University, National War College, and a B.A. from the State University of New York at Binghamton.



Contact Information

United States Embassy
P.O. Box 6028
Republic of Palau 96940

Phone: (680) 587-2920
Fax: (680) 587-2911

Email: usembassykoror@palaunet.com
Website: http://palau.usembassy.gov/