Home Ambassador Profiles Azerbaijan His Excellency Elin Suleymanov

His Excellency Elin Suleymanov


Elin Suleymanov became ambassador of Azerbaijan to the United States on Jan. 18, 2012.

Most recently, for more than five years Ambassador Suleymanov had been the nation’s first consul general to Los Angeles and the western U.S. states leading the team that established an Azerbaijani diplomatic presence on the West Coast. Prior to that, he served as senior counselor at the Foreign Relations Department in the Office of the President in Baku, Azerbaijan, and as press officer of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Washington, D.C.

Before joining the diplomatic corps, Ambassador Suleymanov worked with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Azerbaijan, as well as with the Open Media Research Institute in Prague and Glaverbel Czech, a leading manufacturing company in Central Eastern Europe. He has also authored numerous articles and is a frequent presenter at academic events.

A graduate of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Massachusetts, Ambassador Suleymanov also holds graduate degrees from the Political Geography Department of Moscow State University in Russia and the University of Toledo in Ohio.

He speaks Azerbaijani, English, Russian and Czech.

Contact Information

Embassy of Azerbaijan
2741 34th St. NW
Washington, DC 20008

Phone: (202) 337-3500
Fax: (202) 337-5911

Website: http://azembassy.us/new/
Email: azerbaijan@azembassy.us