Home Ambassador Profiles Bangladesh His Excellency Mohammad Ziauddin

His Excellency Mohammad Ziauddin


Mohammad Ziauddin became ambassador of Bangladesh to the United States on Sept. 18, 2014 having most recently held the post of ambassador-at-large of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina with the rank and status of state minister to the government of Bangladesh (2009-14).

He also previously served as ambassador to Italy, with concurrent accreditation as ambassador to Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina, as well as permanent representative of Bangladesh to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), World Food Program (WFP) and International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Ambassador Ziauddin, who joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with seniority in 1974, has also served abroad as third and second secretary at the Bangladesh High Commission in London; first secretary in Nairobi; and counselor and deputy permanent representative at the Permanent Mission of Bangladesh to the United Nations in New York.

His postings at home include director-general of international organizations in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, India director in the Foreign Minister’s Office and chief of protocol for the government of Bangladesh. Ambassador Ziauddin completed intermediate of arts from Notre Dame College and obtained a bachelor’s degree with honors and a master’s degree in English literature from Dhaka University.

He is married to Yasmeen Ziauddin, and they have a son and a daughter.

Contact Information

Embassy of Bangladesh
3510 International Drive NW
Washington, DC 20007

Phone: (202) 244-0183
Fax: (202) 244-2771

Website: http://www.bdembassyusa.org/
Email: mission.washington@mofa.gov.bd