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November 2016 Homepage
Cover Story

As Economy Crumbles, Race for D.C.
Resident Commissioner Heats Up

a4.puerto.rico.parade.homePuerto Rico’s fiscal crisis has faded from the headlines, but it’s still very much front and center for islanders as they head to the polls this month — not necessarily to vote for Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, but to choose their top representative in Washington, whom they hope can help the U.S. territory stave off a dizzying avalanche of crises. Read More

Diplomats Against Trump

Over 200 Ex-U.S. Diplomats
Trash Trump, Endorse Clinton

a1.anti.trump.letter.homeCareer diplomats make it their business to stay out of politics, but the prospect of a Donald Trump presidency has galvanized an unprecedented backlash among otherwise neutral, bipartisan ambassadors as 220 retired U.S. ambassadors and other diplomats who are openly endorsing Hillary Clinton for president. Read More

The Korea Conundrum

Proposed THAAD Missile Defense
System Ignites War of Words

a2.thaad.north.korea.grey.homeFaced with a relentless barrage of North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile tests, the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system to protect South Korea has been set on a fast track despite vocal Chinese opposition and threats of economic retaliation. Read More

Obama’s Immigration Legacy

Will 44th President Be Remembered
As Deporter in Chief or Dreamer?

a3.obama.immigration.homeDonald Trump’s grandiose pledge to build a wall with Mexico stole the show this election season. But looking back at President Obama’s immigration policies, his legacy is decidedly mixed, with a record number of deportations standing in stark contrast to his efforts to protect so-called Dreamers and other groups of immigrants. Read More

War over Western Sahara?

Polisario Envoy Says Group Closest
To War with Morocco Since 1991

a5.polisario.group.homeThe Polisario Front and Moroccan forces are separated by 100 meters in the Western Sahara and are the closest to returning to war over the disputed territory since a 1991 U.N.-mandated ceasefire, according to Mouloud Said, the Polisario’s representative in Washington. Read More

Empty Promises?

U.N. Lauds ‘Breakthrough’ Refugees
Declaration, But Will It Have Teeth?

a6.refugee.group.homeDays after the New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants was signed, world leaders adopted it at a summit meeting at the U.N. It was the first time the General Assembly had called for a summit to address the large movements of people and, ostensibly, come up with a solution. The U.N. again sang its own praises, calling the nonbinding declaration “a historic opportunity to come up with a blueprint for a better international response. What does that mean? Read More

Big Effect of Small Arms

U.S. Spent Billions Supplying
Guns to Middle East Since 9/11

a7.small.arms.rifle.homeThe United States has flooded Iraq and Afghanistan with billions of dollars worth of small arms since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and has lost track of millions of them, according to a recently published report on 412 Department of Defense contracts by the London-based advocacy nonprofit Action on Armed Violence. Read More


Around the World,
Holidays Bring Added Pounds

a8.medical.cakes.homeAll that feasting between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day can mean widening waistlines for Americans. But they’re not alone: New research shows that holidays in Germany and Japan pose the same challenges. Read More