Home Culture Culture Tunisia’s Tajouri Bessassi makes history as 2024 ‘Ambassador of the Year’

Tunisia’s Tajouri Bessassi makes history as 2024 ‘Ambassador of the Year’

Tunisia’s Tajouri Bessassi makes history as 2024 ‘Ambassador of the Year’
NUSACC President David Hamod, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Tunisian Ambassador Hanène Tajouri Bessassi and Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy and the Environment Jose Fernandez (Photo by NUSACC).

A career diplomat, an advocate of US-Tunisian relations, and a champion for women’s freedoms in her country; this is the resume of Hanène Tajouri Bessassi and she was recently named the National US-Arab Chamber of Commerce’s 2024 Ambassador of the Year. 

Bessassi, who has served as Tunisia’s envoy in Washington since October 2021, is the first female from her country to receive the honor in the organization’s 21-year history.

“This is not the first time we’ve honored a Tunisian ambassador. It’s not the first time we’ve honored a woman ambassador,” said NUSACC President David Hamod. “But it is the first time we’ve honored a Tunisian woman ambassador… because she’s the first in the history of her country to be delegated that honor.”

Many high-level leaders and close to 20 sitting ambassadors attended December’s “Ambassador of the Year” event at Washington’s Ritz-Carlton honoring Hanène Tajouri Bessassi of Tunisia (Photo by NUSACC).

About 100 VIPs, including leaders in government, academia and media, plus ambassadors from the Middle East and Africa, flocked to Washington’s Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Dec. 18 to celebrate Tajouri Bessassi in an awards ceremony and luncheon. 

One common theme among those who recognized her is her commitment to bilateral relations. 

“Madame Ambassador, you and your fellow Tunisians are a continued inspiration for your innovation and creativity,” said Jose Fernandez, undersecretary of state for economic growth, energy and the environment. “[It’s] highlighted here not only by your work in Washington, but also by the strength of the US-Tunisia economic relationship.”

In fact, Tajouri Bessassi played a key role in strengthening the relationship between Tunisia and Wyoming, and visited the US state in 2022 as part of the National Guard’s State Partnership Program. 

Maj. Gen. Gregory Porter, of the Wyoming National Guard, flew to Washington to support the ambassador in her award and share stories of her visit. 

Head of Wyoming National Guard Maj. Gen. Gregory Porter gives a cowboy hat to Tajouri Bessassi (Photo by NUSACC).

“If you’re really special, you get to go to the top of the [Wyoming State Capitol], and at the very top, you get to sign your name…to my knowledge, [Tajouri Bessassi] is the only foreign diplomat ever afforded that honor,” said Porter, gifting her a cowboy hat. 

“You are a good human doing good things across the world, and we can all learn from you and hope to aspire to those things you do,” he added. 

DC Secretary of State Kimberly Bassett recognized Tajouri Bessassi with an official citation from the mayor’s office, while classical singer Abiodun Koya serenaded her with a rendition of Franz Schubert’s “Ave Maria.” 

Several other dignitaries recognized the ambassador’s accomplishments, including retired Ambassador Greta Holtz, Avila University President Jim Burkee and Jan Du Plain, president of Du Plain Global Enterprises and unofficial chair of DC’s “Hanène Fan Club.”

“Over the past few years, I’ve had the privilege of watching the ambassador pour her heart, mind, body and soul into her role,” said Du Plain. “Tunisia is so fortunate to have such a devoted and inspiring leader sharing her life with the world as the ambassador.”

The event was held symbolically on International Arabic Language Day, where Tajouri Bessassi accepted the award donning a gold embossed outfit by Tunisian designer Koufia, embroidered with Arabic calligraphy.

Tajouri Bessassi accepts her award as NUSACC’s 2024 “Ambassador of the Year” (Photo by NUSACC).

“For me, this award is not just a consideration of my efforts deployed as a diplomat… but also a testament to the hard work, dedication and commitment of everyone who has stood by me throughout this journey,” said Tajouri Bessassi. “Each one of you, your unique knowledge and experience has enriched my journey and contributed to our shared success.”

Among her many accolades, Tajouri Bessassi recently helped launch the Congressional Tunisia Caucus and served as the first president of the Group of Francophone Ambassadors in Washington. An active part of the diplomatic community, she frequently hosts Tunisian cultural events and is a member of the Washington Educational and Cultural Attaché Association. 

NUSACC, America’s key gateway to relations with the Middle East and North Africa, has been recognizing an Ambassador of the Year since 2004. Tajouri Bessassi succeeds the 2023 awardee, Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Joumala Alaoui of Morocco.