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U.S. Election Series: Latin America

U.S. Election Series: Latin America

Latin America faces one of its worst crises in decades. COVID-19 is unleashing devastating economic and social consequences throughout the region, which accounts for only 8% of the world’s population but more than a third of its coronavirus infections.

Despite the region’s importance and geographic proximity, the United States routinely neglects Latin America — especially when compared to the Middle East, Europe and Asia-Pacific. Besides coronavirus, other major issues are continued Central American civil strife, deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, the ongoing U.S. embargo of Cuba, and of course, economic chaos in Venezuela — which as of 2020 now constitutes the world’s biggest refugee crisis, overtaking Syria.

How would Joe Biden deal with Latin America if he were president? What would U.S. relations with the region look like should Donald Trump be re-elected? Three expert journalists offer their insights on how Latin America will fare under either scenario.